Our administration and our county council is trying to bust up our dept. and contract it out to the surrounding depts. This means Jobs will be lost and a dept destroyed. If anyone has any info that can help or has heard of this being done to another dept. anything would be helpful Thanks in advance.
hey there - i hope everything is going good and yoiur staying cool! I cant remember who gave me the pic. you cna save it if you wish. shoot me an email at diver_0925@yahoo.com if u wish. would like some information on Florida, thinkin of ransferring down there to the panhandle. ttyl Be Safe!
Hay Jason I got my T-shirt yesterday and just wanted to say Thanks. I was sorry to hear from John sales were not what you guys had hoped. Its a great shirt for a great cause.
Thanks again
LT Lake
Hi Jason , i have posted your t-shirt request on the FOOLS International web site. I am in Flagler County Fire and a FOOLS member. Good luck stay safe, Mark
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LT Lake
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How are you? I ordered one of the fundraiser T-shirts do you know when we will receive them?
Cat :o)
Thanks for the add. How are you?
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