Give & Take - Now more than ever, we must work together toward the acceptance of an automatic aid system

As a young, aspiring firefighter, I admittedly avoided the political aspects of the fire service. Call me naïve, but I assumed politics had nothing to do with the more beloved aspects of the job—deploying hose lines, throwing ladders and ventilating roofs—so therefore it wasn’t important.

Today, as a more “seasoned” student of the profession, I understand that nothing could be further from the truth. Our tactics, our safety and the resources we employ in every aspect of our jobs are directly related to the political relations we have fostered or alienated over the years.

A brief discussion of “automatic aid” with a firefighter in nearly any part of the country demonstrates the power of politics within the modern fire service. In some areas, statewide mutual-aid systems have become the model for the nation, time-tested and proven successful. Yet within the same states, local departments are forbidden to provide “automatic” assistance to their immediate neighbors from which they’re separated by nothing more than an imaginary line of differing political beliefs. Fully staffed fire stations are bypassed, response times are delayed and citizens suffer the destructive consequences.

So how is it that when large-scale events, man-made or otherwise, strike a specific area of the country (in some cases annually, e.g., wildfires and hurricanes), fire departments from coast to coast are given the “immediate” approval to respond, engage and assist without the slightest bit of hesitation—yet everyday, local incidents are given the cold shoulder?

Is a life at risk during a large-scale emergency any more important than that of an individual involved in a motor vehicle collision while passing through a neighboring town? The simple truth is no, but the more complex reality is a basis of politics and long-standing personal beliefs. The defined barriers of emergency response districts throughout the country are oftentimes hardened by emotional scars, territorial battles and political agendas that in many cases predate and extend beyond a sitting administration.

Today, fire service leaders are being directed to cut costs in an effort to offset mounting local deficits caused by our struggling global economy. In some cases, chief officers are being forced against their better judgment to “brown out” and/or close fire stations. In other areas, staffing is being cut, hiring freezes are being imposed and, ultimately, service levels are compromised.

In each case, political leaders, fire chiefs and citizens alike are being forced to play the odds and hope for a successful outcome. As strategic and well intended as these decisions might be, someone, somewhere will face disastrous repercussions as a result. Whether it’s a citizen suffering a debilitating medical emergency or a firefighter who faces the ravages of a rapidly developing fire, someone will pay the price.

That’s why in these times of great financial constraint, behaviors must change. There’s likely no better time for local leaders and fire chiefs to mend the broken borders, to put aside our petty differences and territorial struggles and put forth a formalized agreement to “automatically” assist our neighbors. Put simply: to come together to establish a system that provides the highest level of service without boundaries.

I understand that such an agreement will incur expenses, that liabilities must be waived/assumed and that local coverage areas must be protected in the absence of local resources. Yet in these trying times, operational norms are no longer. Automatic aid is not only an economical solution, but also a moral obligation to our citizens and our firefighters. We pride ourselves on a fast and effective response, yet to knowingly prevent the closest available unit from rendering aid based on an imaginary border is a failed opportunity to achieve our sworn mission: saving lives and protecting property.
Regardless of our personal beliefs, politics is and always will be the power broker of the modern fire and emergency service. It’s the responsibility of all ranks, from firefighters to fire chiefs, to lend a helping hand in building a coalition based on solid give-and-take relationships and to collectively compromise for the betterment of the individuals and groups represented. In some cases we’re asked to give more than we receive; in others we are the recipients of the larger cache. But in the end, we all benefit.

For each of us who has sworn to perform our duties to the best of our abilities, we have reached a point in time where sacrifice is not an option, but rather a mandate. To assume a degree of risk for failure to com- promise is not only foolish, but a failed opportunity to progress, expand and promote your personal and organizational safety. We owe it to our communities, we owe it to our families and we owe it to ourselves to make the right choice.

Timothy E. Sendelbach is a 23 – year student and educator of the fire & emergency services currently serving as Editor-in-Chief for FireRescue Magazine and President of TES² Training & Education Services. Tim is also the immediate past president of the International Society of Fire Services Instructors. (ISFSI)

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Comment by Chad Furr on March 13, 2009 at 11:36pm
We are rual Volunteers. we have mutial aid agreements with all the neighbors around us. WE have used them and they have used us. We all work together very well. I guess we might be the exception not the rule?
Comment by Timothy Sendelbach on March 12, 2009 at 9:19pm

Please excuse my absence of late, I recently moved and have been traveling extensively for the last two months.

That said, I understand your frustration as I too would like to see more folks join us in this critical discussion.

Regardless of the numbers, those interested are on and taking the time to share their thoughts.

As per your original post, it's up to us to get the word out. I can only hope that you will become the messenger for your respective organization. The simple solution is LEADERSHIP (yes, I know it's not that easy). Safety must be priority one and everyone MUST follow the established guidelines.

I'd suggest putting your requirements in writing (if not already) - formalize all aspects, what's required, what's expected, etc. and hold folks responsible for their actions.
Comment by Paul Young on March 11, 2009 at 5:06pm
In our county, we are working with dispatch, once the new CAD is up and running, to have AMA. We have and informal one now with four of our neighboring departments and two in the adjacent counties...(we are in the corner of our county) and if we hear certain calls dispatched, we self dispatch to that call. The chiefs in a couple of the larger cities in the county got the ball rolling, and us little guys, at least most of us have reciprocated. We are even looking at each of four departments that are neighbors, take a week of Duty Chief, over a quadrant of the county. He / She would oversee and / or assist Command at fires in that area. Like stated above, with the lack of funding, the economy in the toilet, we all need to work together for the safety of our members and the citizens we serve. BTW, will rescue snowmobiles work in Texas? That sounds cool.
Comment by Andy Marsh on March 8, 2009 at 1:11am
You have some valid points, no question. However, "strtcopr" drives home a valid point as well, when he states:

"My thought has always been along the lines of I will call who I feel will respond in a timely manner,with appropriately staffed and trained crews, who are going to operate within a command system and fulfill the tasks that are asked of them."

We all talk about and do our best as it relates to firefighter safety. Automatic aid is important, especially in these economic times and reduced manpower in both career and volunteer departments. We must be cautious, however that "automatic aid" does not interfere and/or compromise firefighter safety. It's great to have a neighboring fire company 1-2 miles away. What good is it if the responders from that dept.are not trained well enough or don't heed safe practices? Relationships in any facet require a 50% effort and dedication from each side 100% of the time. When we think of the "brotherhood" that we say exists in the fire service, it should be very easy to write, implement and engage in automatic response agreements. Unfortunately, it is not so easy. There is always hope, Tim. Maybe you and this article will
be the keystone of this building.
My continued good wishes to all of you in FFN! Take care.
Comment by Don Vuletic on March 8, 2009 at 12:17am
We have had a automatic agreement in place for five years with our sister station. This has worked out and provided needed personnel on the scene of a emergency faster than going to the scene then calling for assistance. All departments work great together and have had little to no problems on the scene. The chiefs work well together and its has been very successfull in our area. I would urge every department to look into doing this. The bugs will get worked out pretty fast as long as every chief is opened minded.
Comment by Jim Brunelle Jr. on March 6, 2009 at 11:18pm
Short but sweet....Bravo's Tim. I have copied, and pasted into a document that will be sent to all the neigh sayers in my area that disagree with the "AMA" agreement that I entered into as a chief for my company.
Thank you.
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on March 6, 2009 at 12:20pm
strtcopr, try some's a magical elixir.

On the topic of AMA, my department just entered into an agreement with a neighboring department. Their coverage area is massive, ours is village-only, yet when it comes to response time, we can guarantee at minimum six responders regardless of the hour or type of call (the reality of is, the average norm for response for our department is 12-15--and it's a flat-out race in turnout donning to make the truck; but it's good-natured and challenging...keeps us all on our toes)

The department we went AMA with has a facility approximately three times the size of ours, they have twice the equipment, all the "goodies" that we don't have (TIC, rescue snowmobile etc.), a budget that would make a village department swoon......and approximately 30 fewer active members than we have.

Common sense would dictate that we consolidate, but I don't see that happening until a few more of the dinosaurs retire. When it comes to response, Incident Command generally remains with the first responding apparatus(usually us) and the highest ranking officer from that department, unless the department which technically "owns" the response area wishes to assume command.

Thus far, we've only had one incident in which things got...for lack of a better word, a little hinkey....and there were some words exchanged between a couple of white hats, but after that little scenario played out--those involved settled their differences in a heated round of Mafia Wars on Facebook (I'm KIDDING) ---once the dust settled a more formal, itemized agreement was created and signed. It was detailed, it covered almost every conceivable scenario, and most importantly, was drafted with the safety of the customer and the responsiblity of the departments involved to ensure said safety in mind.
Phew...I have to go sit down now.

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