today was my first time ever pumping our truck.
The engineer walked away to do something and the tanker that we were flowing off of was empty so it weas up to me to keep the water supply going, so i took control and pumped.
As a junior firefighter i know that i am limited to what i can do, but this was one of those times that i had no limits. It might seem pointless toi others put it feels like a big accomplishment to me.

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Comment by Dustin J. Millis on June 15, 2009 at 5:47am
well... congrats on running the pump (its definatly not an easy thing to do) Secondly, I agree with Paul, an engineer should never walk away from his truck... especially when water is pumping!!!!!
Comment by Paul Montpetit on June 13, 2009 at 7:22pm
I sure as hell hope this wasn't a fire with men on the pipe....if it was there is an engineer that needs someone to open a can of whoop-ass for him....that is one hell of a lesson for you....if you are the engineer you never EVER leave the truck....As for you...if you were trained and company SOG's allow you to take over good for you and congratulations on loosing your virginity (pumping the truck) but if not you are in crap too......Stay safe.....Paul

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