Fireground Radio Operations. Who hears us? Is anyone at risk?

Hello everyone! Life has been busy, but, Im back to FFN!
Anyway, just looking for feedback on this one.
Fireground radio communications has been, in my opinion, a topic that for whatever reason, seems to go quiet or even go away when things go right or even wrong on the fireground. Radio operations seem to be classified by many as low regarding the topic of the next fire critique.
In my area, we are lucky enough to request a fireground talk around channel for any incident that would generally require discussion between IC and operating/responding units, including mutual aid.
This request includes a channel that is powered off of a high power repeater, which covers most of our county and a local talk around channel which is used for "local" on scene operations.
A fairly common practice for our area is not only to request a firegroung for FF operation, but, also a seperate channel for water/water shuttle operations, due to the amount of potential radio traffic..
Remember, fireground operations may include, among other things: Fire/Situtional progress reports, M/A company placement/operational conversations, RIT/FAST, water movement/shuttle operations, bring this to there, everyone who has a radio that wants to talk and ,,,,,,,,,,,oh yea,,,MAYDAY!

Screeching halt! Wow! All that stuff on the radio,,, who heard the MAYDAY!

Someone is in big trouble and we lost that trasmission because we were shutting a line down?

Hello? LODD? Priorities?

Just want to see whats out there, radio SOP whatever with everyone for both accountability and safety.

-Are you able to talk to you IC or give scene or progress updates?
-Can YOU hear a MAYDAY?
-Do YOU know when/how to call a MAYDAY?
-What does YOUR company or 911 dispatch do to keep YOU safe?
-Are YOU giving important progress updates/information?
-Would your IC know if you were in trouble by NOT reporting?

Our ONLY lifeline and call for help may be 1 radio transmission. Can your IC or 911 Center hear it? If not,,,WHY?????

Got an idea? BRING IT!

Lets talk about it!

As Always, Be Safe!


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Comment by morris washburn on January 18, 2009 at 11:58am
We have a talk around channel and that is our Fire scene and B.S. channel . but only 1/3 of the dept . use thier radios or even take them to the scene . We can talk to Central Dispatch and the Police as well . but the Fire Channel is a priority .
Comment by Brian Overbey on January 16, 2009 at 1:21pm
here where i am our handeld radios have a little red button on the top of them that if you get in trouble it locks up the line so only you and communications can only closes the line for about 15 seconds but that is plenty of time for you to call MAYDAY and then everybody will here you since your the only one that can talk then command can tell everybody else to basically shut up n hold all their traffic to talk to you and figure out what is wrong

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