Hey Guys,

 I have long debated whether I should pursue my FF 1 certification too. Eventually I would love to work as a Flight medic or a FF/Medic but I haven't totally decided yet. Until the next medic class cycle starts in Jan 2013, I have some time to to get pre-reqs and a FF1 completed. My biggest obtacle is finding the time to complete a FF1 Academy without quitting my current (non Fire/EMS) job. I've done some research on different FF1 programs and keep coming across this Training Division FF1 program that is online at my own pace and then sign up for a 2 week boot camp. It appears fairly legit but I can't come across anything that shows accreditation etc. What do you guys think?

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Comment by Kate on January 1, 2011 at 5:25pm
Thanks for the encouragement guys! Yes my state is IFSAC and the training center is also certified IFSAC. I am excited to start the program later this year and maybe start testing to get practice in at least until I complete medic school or get hired, whichever is first!
Comment by Clinton Gallaway on December 31, 2010 at 1:34pm
Check with you state fire marshalls office and see what kind of accredidation they require if any at all. Some states will accept certifications from other states too. But I agree with the other two. Take the class, you will not regret it.
Comment by Fireman Larry on December 26, 2010 at 3:29am
I'm gonna have to burst your bubble Kate....
If you take that FF Certification, you'll fall dead in love with the job, you're realize how much fun it really is. Your going to feel the adrenaline flow through your system, you'll be hooked for life after the first run, that's where you'll have realized, your a FF... and your dreams of flight medic will have to wait for your next life.....
on the other hand, you'll be in the brotherhood.... you'll be the elite, that's right, you'll be a Firefighter....
Comment by Ron King (Fire Chief) on December 25, 2010 at 9:14pm
Kate, If you have time take the class. Any training you take will help you on your way. I never took any class that I did not get something from it. Good luck on the road ahead.

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