Do You Know Why Building Types and Sprinkler Systems Are IMPORTANT?!?!?

The "fire service..." Those words excite many of us and/or, it scares others away. And that can encompass all manner of frightening thoughts, both in our hearts and minds! Our webinars are similar to the cartoons we watched as kids, where everything stops, except for those in the photos.
Sure, it's summer-time, but that doesn't necessarily mean we stop doing what defines as as firefighters, and part of that is "learning." With that said, we invite you to join us on Tuesday, Aug. 16th at 6:30 PM ET for our summer webinar, "Building Construction Types and Sprinkler Systems.
Presenting will be two of our colleagues who know just how important our 2-topics are:
1. "Building Types," Chief (ret) Mike Terpak, who is considered an expert in this field and ,
2. Capt. E. J. Henninger, with over a decade in the volunteer fire service AND, who has been a sprinkler system designer for over 20 years.
And with our sincere appreciation, we will again have a drawing at the end of the class for two prizes:
A. From LifeScan Wellness Centers, a complete LifeScan Early Detection examination* and,
B. One winner will receive a box of Responder Wipes(R) and body wash, AND, the station where our lucky winner serves will receive a CRATE of Responder Wipes(R) and Body Wash!
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