A girl is confronted in the bathroom by a friend of 6 years, whom appears quite troubled....The girl asks her friend what is wrong.....her friend doesn't answer her until the girl touches her shoulder....then she breaks down and tells the girl what is wrong ......giving her quite a list of things. Then the friend (in confidence) pulls out a razor blade and tells the girl that she is thinking about using it.....The girl knows her friend quite well and knows that she is distressed and that the friend has hurt herself before.....so she asks her friend to give her the razor the friend refuses putting it in her pocket.....Then the friend slips the blade in her own pocket and starts hitting her head against a locker, the girl stops her and trys to hug her friend until her friend finally hugs her back and then goes to leave. The friend (still worried about her friend) follows her out....on the way out the friend punches a door, and the girl patiently trys to get the blade from her friend. The friend does not give up the blade, the girl asks her one more time to give her the blade and the friend still refusses.....the girl goes back to her class and tells her ff teacher that she needs to go talk to a friend before she does something she shouldn't......the teacher takes the girl to the side and coaxes her into telling him what is going on, he calls the appropriate people and the girl is taken by some one to give all the info she knows....and her friend happens to see her when the people take her from her class....The girl's in tears for hurting her friend. but feels she had to do it....and she is told that what she did is also the role she takes as an emt....and that her friend was asking for help by telling her what she did.....The next day the friend confronts her telling her three things ....1 she is sorry she scared her....2 she kind of wants tosay thank you b/c now she can move away from her terrible home life....3 she never wants to talk to her again.....The girl thinks "Great I saved my friend just to lose her" then she stops and thinks..."But it is better for me to have saved her and lost her as a friend than to have remained quiet and let her be lost to the world..." What do you think?

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Comment by Jenelle on August 19, 2009 at 11:14am
I am glad that I did as of now.....She is in a better home now.....though she is no longer my friend but thank you guys..............
Comment by CHRIS on August 19, 2009 at 10:21am
She will thank you for what you did it will just take time. I'm proud of you for doing the right thing and I'm sure you are to. Be safe out there
Comment by Marc on February 19, 2009 at 6:49pm
You did the rite thing
Altho this is a sad story, you did what you did for the best of everyone.
It better to see the person in the halls of school or around town then in a casket and photos
u did the rite thing!
Comment by Don Vuletic on February 2, 2009 at 10:37am
You did the right thing and someday she will thank you for this. You are a special person and the emergency services needs more people like you. Best of luck in your career and your future
Comment by Michael Vito on December 22, 2008 at 1:16am
You did the right thing Jenny, one day she will come back and thank you.
Comment by Walter on December 17, 2008 at 10:22am
Jenelle, I think all of us will agreed, that it takes a lot of strength to do what you did, we are train to do the right thing evaluate the situation and confront it the best way possible, you did your job, and as been a friend I’m sure that your friend one day will come back an say "thank you" for been my responsible friend, and I hope you feel better knowing you gave her that chance in life.
Comment by Jenelle on December 17, 2008 at 8:17am
I want to thank all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!You have taken alot of weight off of my shoulders....I was so worried that I was in the wrong....
Comment by Gary Lee Brooks on December 16, 2008 at 9:52pm
the problem with everyone is no one wants to get involved and they are afraid their friend will get mad at them for get the required help.It takes a strong person to do the right thing in a situation like this. You did what needed to be done. Your parent should be proud, they obviously raised you right.If you had not done anything and let her kill herself you would be blaming yourself for the rest of your life-- she will get over it and thank you. You are a TRUE FRIEND.
Comment by 144Truck on December 12, 2008 at 3:13pm
Absolutely OUTSTANDING job..... It is never easy dealing with those with whom we have a relationship..... I sincerely hope that your friend will recognize what you did for her..... In my Law Enforcement life I served as an SRO at a high school... You performed a difficult task in one of the most judgemental environments on the planet.....

Comment by Randy on December 7, 2008 at 9:57pm
You proved to be a hero to her, she will relize it someday and sorry that it couldn't be sooner than later. What you did was very UNselfish. Great Job!

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