Ambulance Driving and Internet Credibility

Another FFN blogger recently posted this little gem "I Am Just An Ambulance Driver". I have several problems with this. For starters, the piece was obviously copied from somewhere with no attribution. I found a previous version of it with a minimal search at EMTLife forum board. Note that the comments there overwhelmingly expressed displeasure at the content, its advocacy for blatantly unsafe behavior behind the wheel of an emergency vehicle, and it's self-promoting attitude.

Several FFN members immediately replied with comments that were critical of the unsafe attitudes displayed in the piece, and voila, the blogger deleted any replies that did not agree with the self-aggrandizing attitude in the poem and in his blog.

A few FFN members pointed this out to him, and voila, he removed those comments as well, even after it was pointed out that if you post controversial subjects on the internet and then remove any replies that don't agree with you, your credibility meter goes directly to zero. That's the case here.

For an analysis of the piece, lets look at a few things...

The first verse talks about holding the "popular students head" above water while waiting on rescue. Why does it have to be a "popular student"? Shouldn't we do the same for whoever the patient happens to be? And "waiting on rescue" about a response system that sends a Rescue Company to entrapments on the box so there's no waiting for them when someone's life is in the balance?

In the second verse, why an 89-year-old woman? We should comfort the distraught family of any patient we find deceased as a simple human courtesy.

The third verse refers to crawling into an overturned car with no regard for the rescuer's safety. That's just plain stupid, folks, bordering on the suicidal. Overturned cars can have secondary crushes, alternate battery locations can spill battery acid into the passenger compartment, and virtually every overturned car has fuel leaks that should be controlled prior to crawling into a situation where you're essentially trapped with the patient.

The fourth verse complains about having a meal interrupted for a no transport. If you complain about having meals interrupted, you're in the wrong business.

The fifth verse talks about being on "the wrong side of town" disrespectful to your citizens can you get?
And..."treating patients with bullets whizzing around our heads" is plain old STUPID. Apparently, the author thinks its cool to be stupid. It's not. It's just, well, stupid.

The sixth verse talks about doing CPR on a 16-year old suicide patient with the body "flailing around" as he does CPR. What kind of sloppy CPR is being performed - and advocated - there? Not the kind professionals do, that's for sure.

The seventh verse starts out "Death is all around me". We can see why - treating patients in the middle of a gunfight will tend to kill you and the people around you. Moreover, we don't "challenge death" and "win", we merely prolong the inevitable.

The next verse brags about neglecting one's family, thriving on complete chaos, and going days without sleep as if those are good things. They are not - all are very BAD things. Family helps keep you centered and to remember that the job isn't all there is. We're supposed to bring order to chaos, not thrive on it. Going days without sleep makes one a zombie with a greatly reduced capacity for coherent thought and little capability for impulse control. Those are not the people I want to risk my life with, because they push high-risk situations into the realm of unacceptable risk.

The piece closes talking about driving 90 MPH in traffic with an unrestrained partner in the patient compartment. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? What kind of suicidal maniac was hired to drive THAT ambulance? Last time I checked, we were supposed to drive our emergency vehicle with "due regard for public safety" in all 50 states and the several districts and territories. Driving 90 MPH with a patient on board - anywhere or at any time - is nowhere near 'due regard".

Frankly, this piece gives professional providers - whether career or volunteer - a very, very bad name. Posting in a public place is a very , very bad idea. Other terms come to mind, but I'll let the comments in the link above speak for themselves. Feel free to add your own - I won't censor them as long as they don't violate the user agreement.

Most importantly, when one of us posts something with so much blatant stupidity and unprofessionalism in it, he or she should expect that online peer review will be critical of that effort. When a blogger keeps up a few "way to go, dude" posts and deletes the bulk of the replies that disagree, then that blogger is intentionally ruining his or her credibility, particularly when it is pointed out to him or her. Of course, when the replies that point out the lack of credibility are also deleted, it tends to make those who cared enough to reply not only question the credibility of the blogger, but the intestinal fortitude and professionalism as well. Note that one of the hallmarks of "professionalism" is that how your conduct yourself distinguishes you from amateurs.

If you have opinions on this - or any other - blog, I encourage you to post them. As stated, feel free to add your own comments here - as long as they don't violate the user agreement, I won't delete them.

Show your credibility, your courage, and, yes, even your Americanism by fighting stupidity, encouraging credibility and professionalism, and by fighting censorship of the free exchange of ideas, even if you personally don't agree with that idea. And...when you post things that are unprofessional and that lack credibility, expect to get called out for it.

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Comment by Ben Waller on September 23, 2009 at 11:44am

The webchief did not axe that blog, it was deleted by the author after a day or so of him deleting numerous posts that had negative comments and leaving a small number of positive comments up.

I have a lot of respect for two of the posters who replied earlier in this thread - they originally posted positive comments to the original blog, re-thought their comments, went back to delete them, and were surprised to find the entire topic gone. If this topic has made even two people re-think what they do, how they do it, and why they do it, then something positive has been accomplished. My hat is off to the two gentlemen who were smart enough to re-think their position and courageous enough to admit to it in public.
Comment by FETC on September 23, 2009 at 8:44am
Great piece Art.

DT - Things get going and when the webchief feels the topic has overstepped the boundaries it gets the axe. Maybe we need to develop a blinking red flag so we all can continue to see and read closed thread instead of it disappearing. What we have now is censorship and then re-live the topic over in an off-shoot blog post.
Comment by Ben Waller on September 21, 2009 at 9:58pm

Hypothetically speaking, if there was a fire over there...
Comment by Mick Mayers on September 21, 2009 at 8:54pm
Must have been watching "Trauma". Or at least the trailers.

I'm no longer an ambulance driver, I'm a lowly Fire SUV driver.
Comment by Oldman on September 21, 2009 at 10:18am
Can you say....Woo Woo?

I saw the referenced blog post, didn't recognize the author, so I didn't bother reading it, as I've heard the same statements for years. I agree after reading your comments Ben, that the referenced piece has been floating around for years in some form or fashion. Kinda like the story of the kid who goes fishing, digs up baby rattlesnakes thinking they are worms.... I've heard that story at almost every lake I've ever been to. They just make my BS meter go off the scale.

I drive an ambulance, so I am an ambulance driver. I drive fire apparatus, so I am also a fire apparatus driver. I also fly an airplane, so that makes me a.... pilot. (Thought I was going to say airplane driver didn't you.)

My supper's cold? Big deal, at least I don't burn my mouth.

All these comments emanated from my semi-intellectual brain and were transmitted from my fingers to my keyboard.
Comment by Ben Waller on September 20, 2009 at 6:56pm

When you say "tripe" to which of these do you refer?

"1. The rubbery lining of the stomach of cattle or other ruminants, used as food."
"2. Informal Something of no value; rubbish."

Source: The Free Online Dictionary

I think I know, but I like the rubbery lining of the stomach of cattle...thing...our original poster certainly provided some fodder food today.
Comment by Rusty Mancini on September 20, 2009 at 6:49pm
I too like Carlos replied, After thinking about two pieces, the wrong side of town ,and 90 mph driving in traffic, these aren't professional statements that need to be viewed and I certainly don't want to endorse them. When I went back to retract my comment I was surprised to the deletion.Then Ben hit with the sledge hammer post.So I too replied too quickly !
Comment by Brian Dumser on September 20, 2009 at 6:26pm
Copied from somewhere else? That's plagiarism! What would Vice President Joe Biden say? Oh wait...
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on September 20, 2009 at 6:24pm
I'm right there with you.
Good chance, though, that we would have commented and been deleted.
I simply deplore as despicable anyone who will take someone else's literary work or intellectual property and not only not give the author credit but attempts to pass it off as their own.
When I see it, I report it.
And anyone else should too.
Comment by Ben Waller on September 20, 2009 at 4:57pm
I can take it??? Me, the shy, sensitive type?

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