We have a now 1 month old child in the house,He's a handsome little man that needed a good home. God knew he had to keep me around for a reason and well I guess this is it. It's a long process but he's worth it.God bless everyone on here. Oh Jeremiah says goo goo gaga which is baby talk for Hello.Well for got to update this Jeremiah is now 14 months old and we have finally gotten the rest of the money up to get the home assesment done and we will get him finalized hes is 31 inches tall weighs 24.4 pounds and talking pretty good can count to six .Says hi, bye, bo bo, stink butt, hush, favorite word NO lol. I just love him so much.I have a face book account can be found by name on there

Ok well Little man is now 17 months old and we are looking into adopting a 11 yr old boy that stated to his socialworker that he had found his family.I had him in my house for 4 nights and he was a good as gold.I seen how he inter acted with Jeremiah and he got along ok with him and Jeremiah even bugged him LOL like most toddlers do.Well just an update any way will post more as things happen.Well it is official he is Now a Nichols Adoption done.

We are now working on an 11 yr boy we have him every other weekend right now, next month every weekend and the week of thanksgiving we have him, Than Dec 20 look at moving him in and getting him set in his new school and so far he is a great kid.God is Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Comment by Robert Nichols on August 23, 2010 at 8:01pm
I have posted picture of Jeremiah on my facebook page can search me by name on there.
Comment by Robert Nichols on July 12, 2010 at 2:02pm
Well waiting on the final decree for Jeremiah all visits done and all paperwork sent out and everyone paid.
Comment by lutan1 on June 18, 2010 at 5:35pm
Well done Robert! We have 3 beuatiful children and have considered adoption as well- there's sadly so many crying out (literally!) for a good, loving home. Good luck....
Comment by Robert Nichols on May 13, 2009 at 2:32pm
Thank you evryone
Comment by Nicholas Relich on May 3, 2009 at 2:08pm
I was Adopted congrats and lets all hope he dosent become a Cop or a lawyer
Comment by Brian Dumser on May 2, 2009 at 10:59am
My Father was adopted. I was adopted. And one of my sons is adopted. Congratulations!
Comment by Wendy Norris on May 1, 2009 at 11:07pm
As an adoptee and an adoptive mom, congratulations!!
Comment by Alan on May 1, 2009 at 10:23pm
Congratulations. Children are great.
Comment by Al (olddogg) Westbrook on May 1, 2009 at 6:53pm
Robert ,
My wife Pam and I tried for 11 years ,through 2 miscarriges , a fibroid tumor in the wall of her uterus which meant a hystorectomy and the end of our trying and to our being able to have a child of our own ....or so we thought .
We got one of those "calls in the middle of the night" about a young girl that a friend ours had heard about from a friend ,of a friend ,etc...
Well, we sent word back through the "grape vine" and as we asked her to do ,the birth mother contacted an lawyer we know who has adopted children of her own .Six and a half months later , We were at the hospital when our son was born ,and brought him home three days old .
We were blessed for sure ! As you have been . Bless your family , stay safe Brother .
Comment by Jake Fireman on May 1, 2009 at 3:49pm
Congratulations! A job well done!

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