It’s Veterans Day and I have a day off from my county job. (I thank Veterans for both of those freedoms: to work in a job I love and to have time off to spend with my family). The kids are still sleeping and I have some free time to sit at the computer.

I’ve been thinking of my Dad a lot lately. Maybe because a friend recently lost hers; maybe because I spent the last week with a few thousand National Guardsmen; or maybe because recent events in our lives have reinforced the importance of family.

Regardless, I’ve been thinking about my Dad a lot lately. I’m reminded of him whenever I look at a flag and I think of him every time I pick up a tool.

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Comment by Tiger Schmittendorf on November 11, 2009 at 11:45pm
Why do you think I call you Brother?

I feel very lucky to have that book, including his memories in his own words that I had him write a few years before he passed away. He was 127th Infantry Regiment - 32nd Infantry Division - E-Company in WWII; and Battery A - 38th Field Artillery Battalion - 2nd Infantry Divsion in Korea.

Brave men.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on November 11, 2009 at 10:58pm
We seem to be sympatico again.
I wish that I had gotten more info on Dad's tour of duty.
He served with Battery E, Seventy-first Coast Artillery (AA).
Both theatres.

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