We have had very few drills this past year and what drills we have had have been the same thing time and time again. Last night we had a drill and it was to be an SCBA recertification drill. When everyone assembled at the firehouse in the upper bay we were informed that the drill was going to be a little different. Everyone was wondering what the drill was going to entail. The Lt. running the drill stated that it wasn’t going to be an SCBA recertification as everyone expected. We went over the fact that our bottles on our air packs are 30 minute bottles but actually by the time you figure in a person’s physical health, and all the other factors then really you only have estimated 15 minutes. We discussed about how each person will use up the air in their bottle at a different rate. This is because everyone is different in body size and being in shape or not in shape as well as other factors.

Once we were done with all that we were told that now we were going to split up into 2 groups. After the groups were decided we were told that we are going to be timed and that we were going to go to our cars as if we were on the scene of a fire. We are to put on our gear and come in and put on an air pack and then walk up a flight of stairs to the meeting room. Anyone not going at the time was to watch the group being timed and make sure that everything was buttoned up and no skin showing. It was pretty good. I was in the second group to go with the Deputy Chief, the Chief said “time is ticking” and we went to work. I can tell you it was really cold out and my gear was really cold as well. I keep my gear in my car all the time so it really was cold. In the end it took me 8 minutes. Well, I had to wait to get to the compartment for the last air pack that was on the truck and I helped a fellow firefighter with his waist strap because, of course who ever put the pack back on the truck did not make sure that all the straps were lengthened so the waist strap was too small. So to say the least it took me longer to get up stairs.

After we were done with that scenario we went over how everybody did. We then were told that we were to split up with a partner and we were to practice the 2 in 2 out rule. All we were to do was to get dressed and don the SCBA as well as grabbing a tool. We all were agreeable to the new scenario and got with a partner. The first group of that went first went again. It was interesting. It then came my groups turn. I will say it is easier to put your gear on when you don’t have to take it out of the bag. My partner and I got on our gear and donned our SCBA’s. I of course had a problem. The waist strap got tangled and my partner helped get it untwisted. He grabbed me a flashlight and he grabbed a tool and we headed up stairs. We were the second pair to make it upstairs and we did it in 4 minutes. That was great. Our 2nd Lt. went over with us that she was thinking if everyone wanted to, was to take off our packs and if I understood her correctly our gear and put it in a pile. Each person’s gear and SCBA would be piled in front of that individual. Then they would be blindfolded. Then we would have to put on our gear and SCBA without being able to see. Lt. mentioned that this is what she did in her FF1 class and that it is what they do in the probie schools. The Deputy Chief stated that he wasn’t really thrilled with that idea; only because he would rather have everyone get their gear on correctly then get it on under a minute. We were shown how to make a stretcher out if two roof hooks. That was really cool; I had never seen that done or how to make it.

All and all it was a really good drill. Even with it being the most basic of drills it was very good and it was decided that one of the drills next month would be this drill. We do two drills a month and I liked this drill very much. This is a drill that is very good for every department to do because it gets the members use to their gear and SCBA. If you are a department like mine were there aren’t very many calls and you don’t use an SCBA every single day you tend to get lax and sometimes a little rusty on getting an air pack on. Planning other drills is good as always but making sure you and your guys are comfortable in getting their gear and SCBA on as well as being comfortable wearing it.

There is nothing wrong with going back to the basics….

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Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on February 2, 2009 at 7:47am
Wayne, that is really sad that the others in your department have that a mind set. That is good that you practice at home. I really hope that you can get your department to get into doing more drills. I was wondering and may I make a suggestion of working with the guys who have the confined space issues to just drill on that. maybe make a mini confined space area and have them walk through it and see how it is set up and then go through it with the face piece covered. I wish you luck. Be safe....
Comment by Wayne Martin Harvey on February 1, 2009 at 11:21pm
Training is definately essential and I agree with basic drills as mentioned in the discussion.I have one little problem where i work, the FF's are so lasy and determined that they know what they were trained for that basic drills are only ever carried out when these people go back to training school for further courses. I was fortunate to have found a very good second hand complete SCBA which i keep at home and i play around with the set when ever i can.The other problem we have at work is that we only have four sets on our machine and therefore can't do live drills,dry drills only and that doesn't aid most FF's who have confined space problems.
Comment by Dan "GOODSAM" Navarro on February 1, 2009 at 8:41pm
Great drill..stay safe
Comment by vetaia bogi on February 1, 2009 at 7:27pm
well practice makes perfect,we all need to train everyday so it is easier to use scba or to make our work easier.
Comment by Nikki on February 1, 2009 at 7:19pm
Thank you russ allen. All too many times, people do not speak up when they see a hazard, or just a concern. As a training officer I have spoken up numurous times on scene saftey. Not only will I continue to do so, I encourage every one else. You see someone lay a hose on a smoldering chair, go move it, if someone gets upset, tell them, "hey, we don't need to replace our hoses."
Comment by Wes 349 on February 1, 2009 at 5:43pm
This is a good Idea training on the basics. As an ex army guy put on mop gear in 9 sec. putting on turnout gear is easy but not ever body has the same training I do. We were drill on that 9 sec. all the time so why would turnout gear be any different.
Comment by Kimberly A Bownas on February 1, 2009 at 5:14pm
This why when you drill you should be in full PPE and SCBA. The more you practice with all of that the more it is second nature and you wont even think twice about whether you need it or not. This is why I posted this about the most basic drill that can be done and should be done continually. Thanks to everyone that has commented......
Comment by russ allen on February 1, 2009 at 4:23pm
Idiots Pat? Maybe but where is the safety officer? Where is the scene commander? Where is the officer in charge of the ventilation? We all have to watch each other and relay info from safety to things the commander may miss. Don't be afraid to speak up when we see unsafe acts.
Comment by Pat Griffin on February 1, 2009 at 3:25pm
Just last week i watched FF's cutting holes on a metal roof of a working fire with no SCBA......idiots
Comment by Dave Gould on February 1, 2009 at 3:02pm
Our company requires scba for structure fires, even close exterior, chimney fires (on the roof and first inside, never know what you're coming on). We went mutual-aid to a chimney fire and upon our arrival, they already had FF on the roof. They were not wearing scba so I had my FF relieve them so they could don their proper ppe, including scba. Instead they stood in the back ground, obviously upset that we took them off the roof. I would rather have them upset instead of injured because they weren't wearing scba. We practice quite often donning our equipment for complete coverage and not how fast it can be done.

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