I made it to Iraq on 7 July. It is hot here as you would expect. Days are long but not monotonous. I have some of the best people I have met in my years in the Air Force here with me. We have an amazingly strong joint relationship amongst the US Forces. That is really new to me also.

There have been a couple attacks but the insurgents can't aim. God really shields this place well. The daily temperatures are around 120 degrees. There are some things here I can't really speak of but I will try to get pictures of what I can. I hope anyone who sends their husband/wife/child here knows the US Forces are doing their level best to make sure he/she comes home to you safely.

To God and Goddess with the poem... it is not nice to make a big bag GI's eyes well up with tears... I love the poem. I told everyone the sand was in my eyes.

I will blog more when I can. THANK YOU for all the support. We cannot do this without the support of the American people. And whatever CNN, MSNBC... or FOXNews may say good things are happening here for people who have had crap their entire life. Is it worth it to give a life for some other person to have a better life? I say yes!


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Comment by The God and Goddess on September 16, 2008 at 4:57pm
From: The Goddess:

Comment by Engineco913 on July 17, 2008 at 4:28pm
Mike, be safe out there brother. Fight the good fight and continue to make Iraq a better place for it's people to live. I know it's not my place to say this, but you and your brothers and sisters who are actively supporting the military through deployment make me proud.
Comment by The God and Goddess on July 17, 2008 at 1:21pm

Thank you for your generosity
Thank you most sincerely, indeed
We're appreciative you did intercede
Although deep down within our hearts
A little frown we wear, we must impart
Simply because, we have got no clue
Why you chose to help this country
of ours (with your life) through
Not expected, but thoughtfully rare
Helping no end, knowing you care
We truly think you're really a treasure
Generosity flowing beyond all measure
Two small words, relaying thank you
Reflecting our gratitude sincerely true
Comment by The God and Goddess on July 17, 2008 at 11:54am
*This is a poem for the soliders that are going to war that have to leave their families and loved ones behind.*

A solider's goodbye

must be on my way now
I have to say goodbye
I'll never forget these precious moments
you shared with me
wipe those tears from your eyes
I won't be gone for long
I'll be here still,
but you won't see me
even if I die
be proud lift up your head
and live knowing
that I love you
even in death
my last breath will be used
to say your name
I'll see your face then
drift into a dreamless sleep
soon enough you'll meet
me there and we'll be
together forever
with out the cares of this
Comment by FireCat on July 17, 2008 at 1:19am
Hi Mike -

Good to hear from you! I have all of you guys in my thoughts and prayers for a SAFE return home!

Cat :o)

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