As usual the plane got delayed. So I am sitting in Norfolk Va waiting. I hate waiting. You would think after 19 -1/2 years in the military I would be used to it. NO!

Soooo.... what will I be doing over in Iraq? Fleet repair and management. Much of the reason I am a fire fighter is because of my vehicle back ground. I started out as a fire truck mechanic. More like a big kid with big toys. I LOVE fire trucks. When I promoted myself out of playing with fire trucks all day (thank you tax payers for paying me to play all day) I had to find another way to be around fire trucks. Volunteer Fire Fighter. All the fun of playing with fire trucks... and when they break... I get to call a mechanic.

As boring as the title sounds I really enjoy my job. I get to work with the sons and daughters of America teaching and guiding them. And the boring side of my job... managing the replacement and rotation of vehicles and ensuring we have enough vehicles available for whatever may happen. All on a cozy safe airbase. I appreciate all the prayers but if you could throw a few in for the Airmen doing convoys and EOD missions.

I will write more as I can. I don't know how much access I will have to mySpace or FFN.

Y'all Keep Safe Too--We All Go Home Everytime.......


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Comment by Brian Dumser on July 6, 2008 at 10:24am
Stay safe, Brother.
Comment by Larry Bengough on July 5, 2008 at 12:03am
best of luck
Larry Bengough
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on July 4, 2008 at 12:44pm
I think I can confidently speak for every man and woman on this site when I say that we ALL keep our military men and women in the forefront of our mind and wish them all godspeed for a safe trip home....particularly today.
But watch your back anyway Mike.
Comment by The God and Goddess on July 4, 2008 at 11:50am
God Keep You Safe
© By Melanie A.M. Brady

You walk strong and proud into battle
while camouflage covers your fears.
Your courage, commitment, and pride
heavily out number the years.
To your mother it seems as if yesterday,
you soldier were an innocent young tot;
afraid of dust bunnies under you bed,
today a blanket of danger covers your cot.
Unaware what terror awaits for you, each
morning as you hastily arise;
hoping your mission goes smoothly,
with no danger causing sudden demise.
I as your friend feel helpless,
unable to hold your hand.
Yet I feel a great pride and respect for you,
To know that your fighting for our land.
So upon my knees I draw comfort,
to help surpass the time.
Until the day you return;
God keep you safe,
behind enemy lines.
Comment by Mike Simmons on July 3, 2008 at 11:20pm
Good luck, take care of those kids over there Sarge! If ya get the chance, look me up on FFN or, we'll hold down the fort (or AFB!). Am ex-USAF, so I'll pray for you from both angles. Keep us posted.

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