Standardization... You've got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!

Ok, I guess I'm about to get on a soap box here. Why not start off a new profile the right way and get fired up. I guess I'll start at the beginning. My wife pasted away last year and I decided now was a good time to move and start over in a new place. Great idea right? NOT if your a Fire Fighter. I have never in my life seen so many goof-ball requirements to be a Fire Fighter as I have seen in the past 4 weeks. Keep in mind, I have been a FF for over 20 years, I do have a "few" IFSAC/NFPA certifications. Now I should be able to go anywhere in the US and with little hassle and the right attitude and get a job as a fire fighter. NOT, recently I applied to one Department that told me that my certifications were great and everything seem to be in order EXCEPT, they don't accept those credentials and that I would have to attend their state's fire academy to meet their requirements. Not at my age and with the training I have already been through. This is the fifth time a response of this nature has come to me. Has anyone else run into this during their job searches? Let me know. I thought we were all attempting to come together and be trained and certified to the same standards as anyone else. I guess reciprocity isn't part of the acceptance of nationwide standards. Oh and Texas, I won't be attending your academy nor will I work there.

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Comment by Deborah on October 15, 2007 at 12:18am
I have to agree with you. I am going through a similar situation with the State of Texas as well. I came here from Oregon and my certs don't transfer here either, except for my National EMT. It's frustrating to go through courses & training I have already been through, yet I get treated as a "Newbie." Howeve, I'm hanging in there only because "I Love what I do." We do need National recognition.
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on September 19, 2007 at 10:48pm
Ahhh...Texas. I started here and working for the Fed's had to leave during a RIF in 94. Mind you I was at the time a State Certified Firefighter. Have the academy diploma to prove it.
Fast forward to 1998 when I came back to Texas after 4 years and now none of my certs count anymore. IFSAC isn't much better, I am taking courses the government paid for years ago from the same agencies, but the old certs don't have IFSAC on them so they don't count.

So I'm with ya brother!

We need reciprocity nationwide...

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