On the night of Friday June 27, 2008 the county of Laclede, Missouri got a total of six structure fires between the time of aprox. 11:00 pm, and 6:00 am. The first call went out around 11:00 pm. This structure fire was a wood framed home in the eldrige fire district. While units were responding to this call a second structure fire went out. This was a large hay barn fully envolved. With these two calls going on, most of the county units were being used for tanker support. While the rural units were on these two calls Lebanon city fire got called to two more residental fires. As we finished up the first fire Hazzelgreen fire got toned out to yet another structure fire. When my department finished we all went back into service and went to our station and stood by. As the units that was at the hazzelgreen fire were departing yet again tones dropped for Nebo/Falcon for a residental structure fire. This call was the sixth structure fire of the night for the county. As lebanon Rural got toned for support we was toned for coverage of Lebanon Rural and Nebo/Falcon districts. We then moved up to Lebanon Rurals station 2. About 10 to 15 minutes after we arrived at Lebanon Rurals station Chief 1 of Lebanon city fire (who was responding to the structure fire for Nebo/Falcon) Come over the radio stating that he was on the scene of a mva with occupants trapped. Being that we was covering the two districts we went in route. After being in route for a little bit we find out that this going to be a fire truck roll over. At this Time all the information we have is that it is a fire truck roll over on East 32 Highway, we did not know the exact location. After several units got on scene we then got cancelled and put back on standby. Later to find out that the fire truck was a Lebanon Rural Engine carring four personell. The assistant chief was thrown out of the truck and the truck then rolled over on top of him where he was pinned for aprox. 30 to 40 min. After extrication he was then sent to the hospiatal in SpringField, Mo. The other three personall transported to Lebanon hospital were they was later released. The Assistant Chief was Released from the hospital on Tuesday July 1, 2008 with some broken ribs and a broken collar bone. I believe he is a very lucky man and that he had a angel looking over his shoulder.

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Comment by John L. VanAuken on July 5, 2008 at 12:02am
I am verry glad that know one was killed, and lived to talk about it. We our selfs had one of our tenders roll while in route, the driver walked away with minor injurys. So yes we all dread the day we get called to help one of our own, or lose one of our own. So to all take care and be safe, God bless.
Comment by Travis on July 4, 2008 at 9:13pm
Yes they all were wearing there seat belts. They don't know if he just didn't have it latched good or if it failed. But he swears up and down that he had it on. I know the man very well i have worked underneath him and that was one thing he always did before the truck left the bay
Comment by Jennifer on July 4, 2008 at 8:00pm
He had an angel looking over him for him to walk away.
Comment by lutan1 on July 3, 2008 at 5:43am
Lucky would be an understatement.

Do we dare ask, was he and the others wearing a seatbelt????

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