Hey everyone! I've been put in charge of coming up with a fitness program for our department to follow so that we can implement a fitness incentive. I have a few ideas but I wanted to see what other depts. are doing. Any information would be much appreciated. I can't wait to get some of these guys in shape!


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Comment by sarah on June 22, 2008 at 9:45pm
The dept. has decided to make it a cash incentive...because sadly, money seems to motivate people more these days than health. I'm thinking a fitness test to be performed twice a year (because i don't think it's fair for some of the fatties to decide to get in shape once a year just to pass the test.) I want to make it on a point system, so that way if you cannot do all the fitness tests then you can atleast get a part of the incentive money. The toughest part is coming up with elements of the test that are considered appropriate for our fitness level. I'm thinking about starting with a 1.5 mile run in less than 15 minutes and going from there. For our type of physical requirements of our jobs we should be able to handle something like that. I would also like to negotiate into the contract a mandatory workout while on duty. We shift change at 0800 hrs so i think 9-10 am would be sufficient, provided the trucks are checked and we're not busy running calls. I know what you're thinking "mandatory"? But if you are so lazy that you absolutely will not workout, then you've got to play the game...put on your gym clothes and stand there...pretend to lift weights....something. It might actually get people motivated. We all know that heart attack is our number one killer...we need to take action now and the best way to so is prevention!
Comment by Jeff Betz on June 22, 2008 at 7:02pm
I know its WAY too simple, but for me and some others, just feeling and looking better is a great reward. The tough ones are the ones who need it most, and want to do it least. Know this...you likely won't get to them all no matter what you do. Some people are their own worst enemy, and seem to enjoy being...well...stupid. That said, I think FASNY had it right with cash, and I also think a paid day off (or maybe a drawing of eligible employees who meet a standard) is a good award.
Our city newsletter has given our Wellness committee lots of ink to further their goals. Recently they did a small story about one of our female city employees who has lost quite a bit of weight and has become much more fit. I think it did a good job of boosting others to step up. Maybe giving some public praise to those who deserve it would help.
Comment by Walter Messer on June 22, 2008 at 2:59pm
cash and or time off
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on June 22, 2008 at 7:16am
add a cash incentive--nothing talks louder than money.
Comment by Bobby King on June 22, 2008 at 4:04am
Land or Water 1000 Mile Club : Have Firefighters start adding up Miles they run walk or swim and when they achieve that goal give em a Tshirt or a Fitness Achievement Medal

200lb Club for Members that are able to Bench or Squat 200lbs
500lbs Club for Members that Can Bench and Squat an accumlitive 500lbs
Half Ton Club For Members that Can Bench and Squat an Accumlative Half Ton ( Damn near impossible but We had one in our highschool Football team) Members that achieve these Fitness goals get a Tshirt

Also Name a Firefighter that dont have aggression to take out .. Hold Monthly Boxing Tournaments winner gets a Trophy and a Tshirt and a free dinner or a Cash prize or something

Just a few ideas We have tried

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