Well i was going to write a update about my experince into the fire services but last monday kinda of changed that. Let see where to start at i guess i should start with this. We had been having a pretty quiet beginning of June and well End of may as well no fire calls at all well we had one but it was a very small grass fire, untill Sunday nite around 1am we got paged for a mutual Aid fire call Fully involved House fire, took us most the nite and early morning to get it knocked down and out, being the house had been remodeled and such it was hard to get to the fire But finally around 7am we got cleared to leave. That was my first Structure fire, got alot of experince out of it even was allowed to make entry.
Well after being up most the nite with that i finally got home and was able to get some sleep, here is where the ironic part comes in, we have been having problems with our Air Condition and called a repair guy in, i just had woke up and was messing around when he was here, he left and not 5 mins later i smelled some smoke, at first thought my step dad might have been cooking but then that smell started to smell like wood, being a fireman it got my radar going. So i ran around the apt trying to find out where it was coming from, then my step dad found it, smoke started coming out of the celling in my back room where the fuse box and washer dryer ect was at. Side note were i live is a Apt bulding is conntected to serveral old buldings and covers a city block including mine all mostly bulit in the late 1800's, this is our ( firefighters in my towns worse fear for a fire in my town, cause if one goes they most likely all will go). Knowing this i told my step dad to call 911 and i ran for the firehouse. After we got on secene Me and another firefighter had made entry the smoke was bad but not terriably bad and we begain looking for the hot spot using a pike pole we begain to tear down celling tile, there was a suppended celling so the celling tile was like cardboard, we also broke out the Camera using that we found that hotspot, which turned out to be in another room, we ended up finding flames as well with that Though not as bad as it could be, we used a 1 1/2 hose to knock it down, After that and it under control we released the other dept to return to there stations.
Before we even left the station we had called automantic mutal aid from two dept to roll to sence and i give them props for responding very quickly we had at least 10 firefighters there with in 10 to 15 mins from intial page not including the guys from my dept. Once we located flames we also paged the only paid dept in the country for there ladder truck being these were tall buldings, but thankfully the fire was knocked down rather fast. and did not spread to the front of the Apt or to another buliding.
I have been only on the Dept since March, and had always heard of this bond that firefighters had but did not know how strong that was, i do now. Every Guy on my dept that could showed up when the page went out, i didn't hear but someone told me that even a few called into work or turned around a answered the page on there way to work. Granted it could have been just cause it was our doom day secniro had the place went up is why they all came, but i was told that my name came across as it was my place that the fire was at. Anyways I could never thank all the firefighters who responded so quickly enough. From my Dept to the 3 others that came. I can honestly say i know what that bond feels like now.
Know one was hurt and we only suffered some moderate damgage mostly from overhual and water damage Found out the fire started somehow in the extra room in the celling but was not told the cause most likely it was electrical, my cat even made it out. But never did i think when i joined the dept that i would respond to my own place for a fire.
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