Lots of emotions to begin the shift with rememberance of 9/11 and watching video of that day. I was glad when we started getting alarms. We had to fill Station 14 because both of their units went on the third alarm to a building fire. I'm glad we had to fill because we picked up a nice vehicle fire. We made a few medicals throughout the day but no structure fires. Snuck in some training and read some ACLS in preparation for the upcoming class. We went to an attempted suicide by overdose but thankfully she didn't take very much. The boyfriend was a dandy 20 year old. When we asked him for her name he dug through her purse to find an I.D. What's up with that? He acting like he didn't know her name. He pulls the ID out and has trouble pronouncing her name...lol. He was reading her last name. He explained they had only been dating for two weeks. I asked him what he calls her and he gave her first name. I told him that's good because that is her name. Weird......I asked him where she works and he said she doesn't she's on SSI. I asked him where he works and he said he's on SSI also. I asked why are you on SSI and he thought for a second and said..."I don't really know." It made me chuckle inwardly. I said did you have trouble answering questions in school and he explained he had a lot of trouble with school and tests. I wonder how their generation is going to survive sometimes.

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