Just in case we all think that all is quiet on the safety front:
1. Police car and fire apparatus collide. http://firefighterclosecalls.com/fullstory.php?64873
2. Drunk Firefighter crashes fire truck. http://firefighterclosecalls.com/fullstory.php?64793
3. Civillian runs stop sign, collides with fire truck. http://firefighterclosecalls.com/fullstory.php?64776
4. 4 Illinois Firefighters recovering after explosion. http://firefighterclosecalls.com/fullstory.php?64816
5. Firefighter causes crash while responding to another crash......doing 65 mph in a 25. http://firefighterclosecalls.com/fullstory.php?64814
WIll your department be the next in one of these headlines?
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