As I've grown, I've learned several things. Life is full of disappointments & people you trusted will sooner or later let you down. I've learned that often those you love will love someone else & there's only one way to fall; fast & hard. I've learned that out of thousands of smiles, it takes one to touch your heart. I've found that words can be deceiving, but the truth always lies in a person's eyes. I've learned that everything can change in the blink of an eye & tears often come without invitation. I've learned crying can make us stronger & there is never too much love to go around. I've learned that prejudice helps no one & that weapons don't hurt people, people hurt people. I've learned sticks & stones may leave cuts and bruises but harsh words leave scars. I've found that every time you give someone a piece of your heart, it's a piece that you will never get back. I've learned the past is meant to be put behind us & we can't dwell on regrets, for what's done is done. I've learned that trusting yourself is the first step & that forgiving is remembering that helps your own heart more then theirs. I've found that family isn't always blood & everyone is someone's hero. I've learned life is unexpected & that God can do anything. I've learned some things aren't meant to be understood & that only time heals. I've found that imagination is our greatest gift & that we are meant to dream for a reason. I've learned it is never too late to fall in love & that being "beautiful" is all on the inside. Mistakes are our best teachers & everything happens for a reason. Only then can you live life to it's full & true potential.

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Comment by Tiger Schmittendorf on April 18, 2008 at 9:54pm
Those are nice words. Did you write them?

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