Please! Please! I beg you, please stop writing if you can not spell, punctuate or don’t know the meaning of a word. Many of us get on this site and ask for advice. Great, that's what this site is all about. But I can't imagine why anyone would take you seriously or even reply when the dictionary has been butchered and 2nd grade English was completely disregarded. This could be a great site for Firefighters to sound off and gather great information, but we don't need a translator. Maybe I'll write a book "Translating Dummies for Dummies"

For those of you who did not know your computer has a program, PC users look for Microsoft Word, that is used much like a typewriter. The exception, and this is cool so pay attention, it has SPELL CHECK! Yeah, spell check. This is a really neat feature and is kind of new; it’s only been around about 20 years. You can type anything and when you are done you can check your spelling and grammar. Sparing all of us a great big WTF? Once you're done writing you can cut and paste your writings right to this great web site. Whammo! Great spelling and grammar all in one big blog.

I'm not 18 and don't come here to read a text message. I guess I expected too much.

P.S. For those of you who couldn't understand what I am getting at.... Let me explain

OMFG plez stop. u cant spel. r u 4real? ?r u asking aquestion?hfs! nvr mnd! BRB!!!!

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Comment by Paul Montpetit on April 14, 2008 at 1:16pm
Once again we hear from the group...."Those that cannot do.......teach"..Get off your high horse and lets talk Fire/EMS....I don't care if you cannot spell....Can you pop in an IV in a moving rig..?? Can you man a 2 1/2"...?? And most importantly of all...if things turn to shit in a hurry...will you be there with me..?? That's what is important.....Enough said....Paul
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 14, 2008 at 1:14pm
It appears that you have struck a nerve.
I won't elaborate.
I'm trying to build fan base.
However; you're preaching to the choir.
See F.O.G.I.E.S.
Comment by Dan Morriss on April 14, 2008 at 12:52pm
Thanks for proving my point :)
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on April 14, 2008 at 12:39pm
Comment by Joe Stoltz on April 14, 2008 at 12:37pm
Dan, we've explored this very subject pretty thoroughly in the past. It looks like you're fairly new to the site, so you may not have seen this:

Enjoy! And welcome to FFN.

Comment by Will2745 on April 14, 2008 at 12:35pm
this one i rate as further comment

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