did i ever say how much i hate needles???????

I am so sick of seeing and feeling needles its not funny!!! Tuesday i had to do a 3 hour sugar test and they stuck me 6 times, Thursday i went for my normal doc appointment and they surprise me with another amnio reduction but they couldn't do it b/c this time i asked them to put me under or else i was going to put up a fight. well they sent me upstairs to labor and delivery to see the anestesiologist (i know i can't spell that one) well the first nurse tried to put an IV in me and blew my veins to this day they are still hurting, then the sleepy doc..lol tried also and couldn't get one in either so they had to give up. i have to go back monday morning and they are going to give me a pill and a shot of i think morphine to put me under and do this reduction or the girls are going to be arriving sooner than expected and we have absoluetly nothing for them (even the basics) we can't get that until sometime next month. i also recieved 2 steroid shots as well, soi have a total of 12 needle holes in my arms. If they can't get this done on monday i'm giving up and hoping for the best b/c i won't let them at me again with another needle..lol b/c i will fight and u don't wanna test me. anyhoo i'm going to get off here i have been awake since yesterday morning at 7 and i haven't been to sleep yet. i'll be back on later. love yall have a great day.

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