Trish Girard's Blog (28)


WE ARE HOME!!!!!! finally able to relax in our own lil creature comforts of we now have a home nurse here for 8 hours a day to basically watch the girls and give us a break. i had to show her how the pumps worked since i had to use them for the first time yesterday and again at 4am. everyone is doing good here and the girls are glad to be home finally. now we just have to wait on the boys to come home tomarrow

Added by Trish Girard on September 26, 2009 at 3:26pm — 1 Comment

the girls update

hey all we are still in akron childrens. the past three days have been insane but we were told today that we may be going home tomarrow!!!! today both jimmy and i had to be trained on how to replace an NG tube in both girls and at first it was difficult but what do ya expect when they are fighting ya anyway the nurse said we both did excellent and didn't need any help. then once the guy bringin the feed pumps left the room the nurse showed us how to operate them (they had to mark the… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on September 24, 2009 at 6:48pm — 1 Comment

here's the deal

hi everyone!!!

i know its been a long time but here is the buzz on whats going on in here. well first off-- jimmy and i are finally married. the boys have started back to school and are doing great. they are also in cub scouts for the first time and saturday they both launched rockets they made. also they are in awana at our church and is doing good there too. the girls are doing good and slowly growing but are ornery. zoey is 15 lbs now and mikayla is 10 lbs. they will be 2 in may.… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on September 21, 2009 at 5:25pm — No Comments

hey all

hey all here is an update on how everyone here is.

jimmy- is still crazy and is doing good despite the lovely weather and happenings in the house.

bladen and wesley are driving us crazy since school has been cancelled for the second say and it looks like they will be out tomarrow too.

mikayla and zoey are getting bigger and louder everyday. mikayla weighs 7lbs 8 1/2 oz. zoey weighs almost 12lbs. both are doing great

me- we nothing much about me except… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on January 28, 2009 at 1:48pm — No Comments

happy new year from us to you!

hey all jimmy, me and the kids want to wish everyone a happy new year and hope ur holidays have ben good to you. i have posted new pics on our myspaces so go check them out. i tried to on here but its having issues as anyway the kids are getting bigger and louder everyday. bladen is learning cursive writing in school and doing great- he also has glasses now too. wesley is learning to readand as usual we are still working on his fine motor skills and keeping his heels on the ground.… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on December 31, 2008 at 9:28am — No Comments

We're Back

hey all just wanted to let you know we are back and doing real well.

the girls are getting bigger by the day. zoey is now 8lbs 9oz, mikayla is 5lbs 9oz. they are rolling and scootching to get around. we found zoey has a facination with the color green. bladen and wes are doing real well in school. bladen was on the honor roll this term!! wes is on level 2 reading as well. jimmy is still loud as oh we also have moved into our new place which is cool. mikey came to see it and… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on November 5, 2008 at 9:38pm — No Comments


ok all i know some of u have been wonderin "where the blue blazes is jimmy and trish?" right? well, we are still here just been very busy now especially since the boys have started school last week and going crazy with 2 lil ones at home. btw-- i posted 2 new pics of mikayla and zoey- that was thier first day of church. speaking of church we have been going there alot lately and i even signed the boys up for AWANA and they are doing great in that too. in a couple months we will be moving not… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on August 28, 2008 at 10:19pm — No Comments

Finally together!!!

hey all just wanted to let youknow that mikayla finally came home to us august 2nd!!! she now weighs 3 lbs 13 oz and is kicking sme major booty!! i am so happy that we are finally all together without the trouble of being in the hospital and having to be in the forever watchful eye of the nurse b/c they don't think you knwwhat ur doing with children when u have children already at ut its all cool we are allhome ad dng great. jut drop us a line sometme. ttyl trish an… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on August 13, 2008 at 1:30am — 3 Comments


Zoey is home!! she is doing great and eating like a now we just need to get mikayla home and all will be good i will have pics later on this week. if u want to see her sooner you can add me to yahoomessenger and i will show her ok ttyl all are welcome to add me on there. i'm sorry chat is closed i had a good time in there.

Added by Trish Girard on July 9, 2008 at 4:14pm — 1 Comment

happenings here

hey all just letting you know.. jimmy and i are still here. we are limited to using the library's computers til after the first when we get our phone back on. the girls are getting bigger and better everyday the nurses are working on bottle feedings with mikayla now and zoey is on the fast track to coming home soon. but they have to see how she does in a crib first instead of her cubbie we will be going to canton on wed and staying the night. as soon as we get our phone bak on and… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on June 28, 2008 at 4:43pm — 2 Comments

just a short note...

hey all just a short note we are here and haven't gone anywhere, but our cable internet has taken a crap on us so we are back to dial-up but we have posted pics of the girls and i have on the memorial parades on our myspaces. everyone is more than welcome to go and check them out. we will be back more once we get our cable thing back up and i will post the pics on here. both girls are doing really well and getting bigger. i was finally released from the hospital and even had the catheter taken… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on June 13, 2008 at 11:09am — No Comments

we are home- for

hi everyone

just wanted to let you all know that this week and weekend has been very hectic. we were supposed to stay the weekend in the girls rooms with them, well instead of sleeping with the girls i was admitted to my own room. we were visiting the girls when i became doubled over in pain from my right side so we went down stairs to the ER and they did a CT scan and found a softball size absece (if thats how u spell it) and even though the medicine was good, i missed my family at… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on June 6, 2008 at 3:40pm — No Comments

great news!

hi all-

i'm sorry we haven't been on for awhile but things have been a lil hectic here ya know with kids schools getting out this week, scheduling visitations and of course keeping up with the girls... speaking of the girls- they are doing wonderful! both are growing and getting they are back to thier birth weights plus an ounce. mikayla had her PICC line removed and is no longer on IV fluids, they are also rotating CPAP and nose cannula with her every 4 hours. but they… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on May 28, 2008 at 11:54pm — 2 Comments

update on the girls

just an update on mikayla and zoey......

they both are doing awesome. they are both off the CPAP and are on nasal canulas now nad they both are doing very well with their feedings. zoey is up to 9cc's of formula and mikayla is up to 3 or 4 pending on her mikayla has also taken quite well to her transfusion she had on monday, they are both getting bigger and bigger each day and boy are they feisty..lmao we are going to visit them again this weekend sometime and i should have… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on May 22, 2008 at 2:56pm — 2 Comments



Mikayla was born at 2:04pm 1lb 2oz and 11inches long

Zoey was born at 2:05pm 2lbs and 13 inches long

both on 5-13-08 emergency c-section which didn't hurt until

they are still at Aultman Hospital in Canton, OH in the Newborn ICU until at least july (hopefully earlier)

both girls are doing great- zoey is already breathing on her own and is very feisty. mikayla has been taken… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on May 16, 2008 at 9:06pm — No Comments

Thursday 5-8-08

hey all just a lil note to say all went very well at the docs yesterday, even the doc we have had probs with n the past said things are looking great!!!! lil mikayla finally is getting some more fluid on her own and even passing all the tests faster than zoey. they both are growing bigger and kicking harder, but for some strange reason i have this feeling i may be going in early for delivery and i'm not talkin friggin pizza!!! oh yesterday was my moms b-day (no i will be nice and not say how… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on May 9, 2008 at 4:43pm — 2 Comments

Monday Appointment

well the girls look really good according to doctor tim- i didn't get to see much b/c i wasn't feeling too good and couldn't see the screen. but i was told everything is looking good. i will update on thursday after that appointment. ttyl

Added by Trish Girard on May 5, 2008 at 5:41pm — 2 Comments

Things are looking up

well we went to the docs yesterday and we even got to bring mikey (Big Bear) with us, and he got to see his goddaughters/neices on the screen for the first time it was a blast. note to self--- 2 crazy guys in a room with a prego is very interesting..lmao!!!! anyhoo- everything is looking awesome but its looking like i will have to have fluid taken out every couple weeks, but hey what the heck anything to keep these lil butt kickers going. and speaking of butt kickers lil mikayla was being… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on May 2, 2008 at 7:59pm — No Comments

what have i done?

Since yesterday when we were told the news i have been asking myself what have i done to deserve whats going on. i must have done something very wrong for this to happen, but far as i know i have done everythign ever asked of me if not more. i don't blame anyone but myself, i just want to know what i have done to be in this predicament. personally i would like to crawl in a hole and hide away in the dark and not come out, but i can't do that i have 2 lil boys here who need me so i will continue… Continue

Added by Trish Girard on April 29, 2008 at 7:49pm — 4 Comments

canton on

ok this is going to be a short post.... but everything is looking good even though next week i may have to have more fluid taken out already, which is cool b/c that means MORPHINE HERE I COME!!!! lmao. but other than that all is good. ttyl

Added by Trish Girard on April 24, 2008 at 5:09pm — 1 Comment

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