At three in the morning, There is quiet and peace
All of my family's softly dreaming their dreams
I work all day from dawn until dusk
But when that siren sounds, its hustle I must
No matter the time, No matter the place
Someone's life could be in danger,
And I must make haste.
I am a fireman, I volunteer to save lives
I do this without thought of the fear that's inside
I will do what it takes to make sure they're all right
I will help put out that fire, if it takes us all night.
Some people don't see why I do what I do
But that's just how life is for me and ''the crew''
We live for the moment, we give all we've got
Fighting fires and saving lives, we give our best shot
A Fireman's promise to do a good deed
Giving our time and devotion to those who are in need
No matter the cost, it's a Firemans Creed.
God Blessed me with patience, God takes all my fears
We walk in his footsteps through the fire and tears
His hands are upon us as we bear this load
As our fire trucks take us down Hells darkened roads
No flame can burn me I bare Gods sheild from the start
With love and devotion, I have a Volunteer Fireman's Heart!
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