I've just finished reading a story of a 10 year-old Lincoln Nebraska girl who is dying from brain cancer. She has had only one wish, and that is to see her daddy. Problem is, daddy is in federal prison in SD on meth charges. Now don't get me wrong, I have absolutely NO compassion for the dad, but my heart breaks for his little girl, who just wants her daddy to be there when she dies. Apparently the Federal Bureau of Prisons is giving the family the runaround about letting him come home for this event. Now, if daddy was a murderer, or a child molester, or something of that ilk, I would be the first to say NO WAY, but c'mon, he's in jail for drugs. They could send him with an escort, just like they'll do for her funeral, so what is the problem here? If you care, send an e-mail to your congressman, and ask him or her to look into this situation. I already have. We in the Fire/EMS service have the highest level of compassion for children, and this is a good cause. Stay safe, brothers and sisters.

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Comment by Paul Montpetit on March 22, 2008 at 8:55am
I have to agree with you FS....I work in a NYS Dept of Corrections facility....and these guys are rotten to the core....after working there there is one thing for sure....THANK GOD FOR PRISONS...something else doesn't add up about this story......Why is he in "Federal Prison"...Did he transport across state lines..? attempted to bring into/out of the country..?Normally would be in a state facility not a Federal one...Nope no sympathy here.......sorry.................Paul
Comment by Ray Purcell on March 21, 2008 at 8:22pm
I totally agree Paul, my whole point though was, that little girl has done nothing, but the Bureau of Prisons won't do anything till she's dead. THEN they'll send him with an escort to her funeral. Go to CNN.com and watch the video.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on March 21, 2008 at 7:04pm
I feel for the little girl BUT..."DAD" has created this mess...Face up to it...like it or not he is a felon...He isn't in a Federal prison on a BS drug charge..thats what the state and county pens are for...wonder what the real deal is....I for one believe that inmates in this country have way too many benefits..they have more rights than you or I...Sorry but that's my view of this.........Stay safe......Paul

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