Public Apology for one idiot's actions

After viewing the news tonight, I feel compelled to apologize to all animal lovers and the public in general for the actions of one Marine(?) that were so totally out of line that his family has actually received death threats. The video, which was found on Youtube, shows several Marines gathered around a comrade who was holding a puppy, which he then proceeded to throw off a cliff. Folks, this is not tolerated in MY Marine Corps. I am ashamed that this individual actually claims to be a Marine. Hopefully, his command will punish this individual swiftly and harshly, so that this will not happen again. Maybe it is a sign of changing times, but when I was on active duty, we were proud to be called Marines, and conducted ourselves accordingly in public. If some idiot had done this while we were in, they'd have been investigating US for throwing HIM off the cliff right behind the puppy! Again, my apologies to all for the senseless actions of one idiot, who apparently snuck into my Marine Corps.

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Comment by lutan1 on March 12, 2008 at 6:33am
THis has been very, very hotly discussed on Firehouse- well worth the read if you have the patience to sift through all the psots.

Whilst I would never condone his actions (And have said so on FH as well), the death threats to the family is way out of line- they are not involved and should not be invovled in any way...
Comment by Christina on March 11, 2008 at 11:24pm
Semper Fi! My Marine would have never tolerated this either. Thanks for speaking up! You just can't fix stupid!!!!

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