Invisible Hero
At night you turn the scanner on, waiting for a call,
one comes in, its load and clear,
the house it's going to fall.
Five seconds and your out the room,
your the first one down the stairs,
two minutes and your on the truck,
doing what no one else dares.
Five minutes later, the truck pulls up,
you scurry out the door,
the flames are blazing through the roof,
what more could you ask for?
You enter the building cauciously,
light with ever step,
up the stairs, and down the hall,
to where the baby's crib is kept.
through the smoke, and through the flames,
you grab her tiny hand,
you pick her up, and hold her close,
no tears - remember, your a man. You hurry as fast as you can,
to get her to her mom,
it's not a great situation,
remember to be calm.
The flames are getting higher,
the smoke is getting thick,
you can't see now, its just too hard,
its a tough test of your wit.
You find where the stairs begin,
and slowly you creep down,
you go outside, the women screams,
"my baby you have found!"
not a single thank-you,
for everything you've done,
you think someone would 'be-so-kind'
but sadly, not a one.
you load back in the truck,
you slowly pull away,
you see the family crying,
getting slowly, out of the way.
you just can't help but wonder,
"what if i wasn't there,
what if we we're a second late?
then they'd start to care."
it's a scary feeling,
to wonder things like that,
but just imagine how they feel,
no house to go back at.
you know your here for something,
and you've realized what it is,
to save the lives of people,
of all adults and kids.
everytime your in the truck,
your heart begins to race,
people just don't understand,
its death you have to face.
you do it all for passion,
it's what you love to do,
you stand today, head held high,
without a single "thank you".
appreciation is kinda rare,
and it makes me shed a tear-o,
ya'll are truely saints to me,
quiet, invisible hero. :)
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