Well, since it seems to be a big topic these days, not just on this board but at the halls as well, I thought I would give my uninterrupted two cents worth on my own page. It's come up in the halls because we have a new class going through soon and everyone is wondering who the next one will be. The interesting point is, the guys will talk with me about it and talk about their thoughts anc concerns with another "woman, or anyone for that matter" getting the job that may not be capable or suitable.

We have had a couple of issues where one was hired and they wished she wasn't. Strong, fit, and absolutely no desire to do the job. Another not strong, somewhat fit and a great desire to do the job, but it seems she misrepresented herself when applying. There were issues with the second one passing the requirements in drill school and without going into the entire story, she's going to have a hard time being respected.

I have some very strong feelings on the hiring practices of Fire and Police Services these days. They are looking for something other than the ability to do the job, it seems. They are looking for the right people to fill the diverse needs of the departments. I do see, to an extent, the need for police to be as diverse as the city. It is good to have officers who speak the many different languages, who people can relate to or feel comfortable dealing with. In the Fire Services, I fail to see the parallel. I have yet to be in a situation where language was an issue. It could potentially turn into one at a medical call, but when we roll up to a fire call, if we can't understand the people, we would have to proceed as if there was no one there to talk to, ie, assume there may be someone inside and simply follow the protocol and procedures we are used to following. Something tells me if there is extreme danger, language or not, that is going to be conveyed.

When it comes to minority hiring (and in this I include women, as we are the minority in the fire service), it is for lack of better words, utter crap. Would I have been hired if they weren't looking to hire women. I am told yes, but it's a tough sell. I was not interviewed the first time around (or the second), I was not looked at until I was able to write a proper resume, include all of the pertinent information and get the points required just like anyone else (and I was hired elsewhere). The written tests and the physical were never an issue. I tried for many years and finally, I believe, once people got to know me, people who had some say, I had my shot. I volunteered with some firefighter run events, that take a lot of strengh, stamina and willingness to work hard, sleep little and eat when you can.

Without going on and on, I have some concerns. I am having a hard time getting the words out about how I feel. The one person I keep going back to is Rachael Wilson. The alert that was first put out stated that she collapsed during a training session and that two others were injured when they went to her aid. It also said A fire was set in a three story rowhouse. She was hired, after failing a component of the physical test twice. She was offered a job, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I have never seen anyone turn a job down, even though it might be in their best interest to do so. I put no blame on this woman, she applied, she wanted the job, she may not have seen her strengths and weaknesses as they really were, and yet no one else was willing to point them out and not offer her the job because she fit a profile. She was a black woman.
The truth soon came out. She entered a burning structure WITH the two others who were injured. Four or five fires were set before they entered and a total of 7 had been lit after they were in the structure (NFPA says one fire, no accelerants). They did not have the proper PPE and no radios. They were set up to fail. A quote that was once found, and can no longer be located was a now dismissed Lt stating that, "She had no business being there anyway." As if passing off her death as her own fault. When offered an opportunity, you assume it is because someone believes you are capable.
If you google this young woman's name, you find articles about it being a routine exercise, A fire set on the second floor, but the total findings in the report that was written and distributed following the investigation paints a very different picture (as mentioned earlier).

Is this the culture, are we as a service, to scare those who do not belong into quitting, even if it means killing them? Are we to help these people see why they shouldn't be there, or are we to help them become able to be there? Is it up to us? I think yes, to some degree it is up to us. We may someday have to depend on someone who was hired just because, or someone who may not have the skills or quick thinking. We may also have to depend on someone who cannot carry his/her load because they were never really able to do the job when they were hired. This is the new reality. Should it be? No. I believe the only way to combat this is before it starts. Having female and minority only hirings are only making issues worse. if you are not comfortable applying alongside the men, then how on earth are you going to live with them in the station? This to me, is simply another form of segregation. Heaven forbid we all apply and compete together for the same job. heaven forbid someone fail, if they fit the profile, we're going to push them through, without a thought to their health or safety. Isn't that the most important consideration in this job to keep us all alive?

I believe I am rambling and will cut this short. Clearly there are many issues with the new hiring practices. I will not be a part of attempting to recruit women. If a woman I know is interested and seems capable, I will help her, but I'm not going to stand in a booth and say, "Hey, you've never thought of being a firefighter? I know there are 2000 others who are going to apply this year who have dreamed of it all their lives, but you're a chick... come on... apply." It just doesn't sit well with me.

I worked hard to get where I am, I finished top ten after the interviews. I love my job and feel comfortable in my role. I want to work with other women like this, not women who are unable to carry anything but a chip on their shoulder.

(I think I've touched on many different issues here, I may clean it up later).

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Comment by Angela on July 21, 2008 at 11:44pm
The only thing I disagree with is the minority issue where you mentioned you see how LE benefits from hiring those that speak other languages and how it doesn't really effect the fire service. It does, though. Exposure to other cultures only helps us when we let ourselves into the private lives of others homes. The more we expose ourselves to other cultures the better we can treat those we encounter that need out help. I could go on and on... but I think that you can get the point.

That being said- I agree with being hired upon by merit. If you fail, try again. If you fail- reevaluate and try again and next time try harder! If someone wants it badly enough they will get there. Hiring someone simply for statistics or because it looks good to the general public is only doing a disservice to that very one they hired and DIDN'T meet the minimum standard.

Your writing is fabulous, by the way. Thank you so much for your opinions and willingness to put them out there. =)
Comment by Spanner 122 on February 24, 2008 at 9:05am
Thanks for commenting guys. The way I look at it, those who were hired on merit and truly want to be there are going to work twice as hard to prove they belong. I know that's how it is for me. It's a fine line... some try to prove they can do it alone, while others won't do anything alone. I like to get help when I need it! I'm no fool, I want this back to last me my entire career!! lol
Comment by lang on February 18, 2008 at 8:43pm
i'm a firefighter in the usaf i went throught the acadamy with a female in my class i would rather have her behind me or infront of me on a line then a lot of the male fire fighters i now work unfortunatly for her she got injuried doing a drill i have never seen done in my almost 7 years in the fire service it was a shame to she her go we also have a female captian in my paid dept we have a rotaion and when it was me her and a driver (me being the fire fighter on our crash truck) it was a great time she new her job and taught me a lot and vice versa and we have a couple of females in my volley house back home the one has her medic and ff1 workin on her 2 i think but i'd rather have her behind or in front of me on a line then a lot of the dipshit male assholes we have there who are 2-20 fire fighter (2 years in 20 years exprience for those who don't know) as long as the person in front or behind me knows what there doing and can do the job i don't care if there male female black white red purple as long as they do the job i'm fine with it
Comment by jdstamp on February 18, 2008 at 2:03pm
Spanner, Your comments were well put together and concise.
I agree with you, someone should not be hired for any other reason, they should be hired because they are the most qualified applicant.
We have Females on our department, One of which is over qualified, I believe for our small volunteer department, she is an RN and an EMT specialist as well as having all of her firefighter certifications (Our department is non-medical) she is very dedicated as all of our firefighters are, that is why we are here. Remember life safety is out number 1 priority
We must be able, and DO the job, not just say "I'm a firefighter" We have to live it, because, as all firefighters know "it" can happen at any time. We have to be able to perform at our best at any given moment, because the second we let our guard down, that is when some one gets hurt.

We have to ask the ones who are loafing, or just going through the motions" why are you here?" it will make them think.


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