I was tired of seeing the add saying I not posted a blog yet so here I go. I grew up in a fire house I was a Jr. at age 13 and have been in emergency services my whole life. I know of no better friendships and care or better people in the world. I am not going to sit here and say I have done this or that or give a list of training cards in my wallet. I know how much that drives me insane when others do that, so what to talk about on here?

Well I can tell you this, I have seen so many people give so much to others in this world from the simple act of holding a dying persons hand in comfort in the back of bus or making that final step into a building and never coming out. I have lost friends in fire and gained so many other from being a Fire fighter and medic.

The one thing I can say in this blog is this, To my Brother I grew up with as my hero and my friend. My brother I shared a room with as a kid and took numerous slaps in the head from and My brother one of the best Firemen I have ever known I miss you each day and I am sure God has a place for you on his department I just hope he isnt letting you drive the rig.

To Chief Raymond Hoey Firemen, Father , friend and My Brother forever I miss you

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Comment by jim preston on January 21, 2008 at 11:09am
Just read your words and had to look further. Dan, it's good to hear Brothers like you. We see it takes all kinds and we meet all kinds of people on this job, but when you listen to a guy talk from the heart. You know the ones that really get it. Proud to call you Brother!
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on October 9, 2007 at 1:34am
From one who grew up in a fire house from age 3, I couldnt have put tha any better. Stay Safe Brother!
Comment by Kevin King on September 4, 2007 at 2:29am
You are a good man Dan,I've known that from the first time we spoke. This little blog you wrote just confirmed what I already knew.I'm honored to call you my friend and brother.

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