life... yall read! :D a few thoughts from my mind

A little about me

So lately I have been searching for the true me all this summer and I finally got myself back. so here are a few things about me!

I love Anastasia, no matter what happens in life she will always be my number one

I know exactly what I want in a man, and tired of the BS that some of them have

I still believe in love, and staying in love forever and living happily ever after (even if I am going through a pretty sucky divorce)

I love my job with the fire department, and I want to go to med school and become a doctor

I have a thing for chocolate and sweets and they do make u feel better :D its the best drug and anti depressant out there :D

I love knowing that god is by my side every step of the way

Even if my health has gotten worse lately, I still believe I am blessed for who I am and what I have

I actually know what responsiblity is, and the feeling of having a hard time with getting the stuff you need at times

I have big dreams and I am going to accomplish them.

I am a little more selfish about my daughter and I, I am going to go to school and become a trauma doc and I am going to do what I want in my life to support my daughter!

I have a voice and I am going to use it

I am very happy to have my family and friends and the friends that are like family

Music is great therapy, when everything in life is going wrong just listening to certain types to music and you feel better again

Life is not all that bad, I am so blessed for my daughter and to be able to walk and breathe on my own

I am the one who desides my future, and no one but myself will do it

I dont keep grudges and I dont hate people, i just cant do it

I am one of the most respectful ppl you will meet, I dont overstep boundries with the fd or in my life

I have learned not to let negitive stuff get to me and to let it go in one ear and out the other

Anyone that hates you is just jealous and they themselves are the ones that have an image problem

I am going to be there for all of the people I love no matter how upset they can get me, I still love them with all my heart

I know I shouldnt of gotten married but I did and without doing what I did in life, I wouldnt be who I am today... NO REGRETS ... just learn from the mistakes in ur past

dont let anyone talk you down, because only you know what you can do

as long as you want to do something, you can, NO ONE has the right to say you can't

I dont like to fight and avoid it, but if it is something I have to do, I will

I want to be a good example to my daughter and will stay strong for her! shes my world and nothing can get me down.

I will always remember the people in my past and be thankful for the people I meet in the future, theres a peice in my heart for everyone no matter what happens, at one point in time , things were great and at that point it was right!

I love random comments, it makes life intresting and loved to be funny and makes jokes

I am a baby when I am sick but who cares we all are at times

And for the first time in my life, I feel make a difference in ppls lives and a lot of people love me and respect me.

Remember ..........

Life doesnt end with the word Divorce
We all take different roads in life and have to learn to move on
You dont make mistakes, just choices and learn from them
Love with all your heart and keep the first things in your life first
If you feel down talk about it, it always helps
Be the type of friend that you want your friends to be to you
Take life on step at a time because that is all you can do
One day we are all gonna die so follow your dreams and dont let anyone tell you different!
Laugh and Smile!
Don't let anyone get you down, you are a wonderful person and you are loved :D
Dont hold grudges because one day god will judge us all anyways
Live the way you wanna live and be the way you wanna be
Do not live for other and live for yourself
and if you have kids, show them the little things that matter and tell them that you love them
give them hope and let them have dreams because they could in fact happen
remember to be there and be supportive and to love them when ur mad at them or sad with them.....
let them know that you are there and your not leaving!
Love Unconditionally!!!!

a few thoughts from my mind :D

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Comment by fireman1049 on November 25, 2008 at 8:06pm


"to thine own self be true."
Comment by Irons38 on October 28, 2008 at 3:38pm
keep up the good work sarah, sounds like you know what you want. I agree with Art. Lift that finger high to those who dont. Be safe.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on October 27, 2008 at 8:49am
You have indominable spirit.
I have spent my entire life proving the doubters wrong.
Listen to your heart. Educate yourself and lift your middle finger to those who wouldn't believe in you!
Comment by Rich on October 27, 2008 at 1:34am
It reads like you got your head screwed on straight.....keep your head up girl...I have been goin through a really bad time too but with the help of friends and family I have been movin on. Do what makes you happy in life....dont be afraid to voice what is bothering you....and make sure the people that care about you know what is goin on with you....they will be the ones there when you need them most. Keep you mind clear....and remeber to Stay low and Stay Safe!

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