OK, All I got to say is that within the last couple of days McCain has gone out of his way, at his own rally, instead of talking about the issues, he has tried to reduce the tension by his supporters toward his opponent. If anything McCain respects Senator Obama, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to speak the truth. Yes both sides have been conducting "Attack" ads-but McCain is getting the brunt of the backlash especially being called a racist simply because his "attack"ads are attacking his opponent's record. It's only because his opponent is black that all of a sudden these "Civil Rights" activists come out of the wood work and start to accuse him of being racist. If Obama was another white politician would we really see these accusations? I think not! I think McCain has been doing the best to "Smooth" things over based on the actions of his supporters. Yes I am a supporter and no I'm not racists nor do I agree with the minority of his supporters who stoop low to discredit Obama just because their are less then 25 days left until the election. I wish McCain, his supporters and the media would start to concentrate on the last 25 days of the election, filled and focused on the issues instead of making outlandish accusations. McCain is the only presidential candidate that has made an effort to speak out about actual Bi-Partisan cooperation and unity among all Americans. Plus let us not forget Senator Obama's campaign isn't all squeaky clean either. From the very first day of the campaign, they have launched just as many and if not more in your face smut and smear tactics then McCain-and yet the only White Candidate gets all the scrutiny. Give me a break and get the campaign back on track talking about the issues and lets win this thing!

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Comment by Scott Runkel on October 12, 2008 at 3:09pm
I just wanted to say thanks for the comments, I'm always up to seeing what others have to say. I did hear a little about the whole ACORN thing the other day while flipping through the channels and catching CNN for like 5mins-but appreciate Ben explaining it for me-that was really cool. I too share similar feelings like Rhonda where if nothing is done about ACORN, then we're going to see prolonged official results and chaos in an already screwed up economy.
Comment by Rhonda Guidry on October 12, 2008 at 2:33pm
I agree with you about putting the emotional/racist rhetoric aside & getting back to business & that citizens need to know the facts in order to vote for whomever they feel is the most qualified to run our country & not vote for someone 'just because', etc... The thing with ACORN- that is just scary & hopefully something legally can be done to those who commit this fraud. I am honestly in awe about the election this year & the levels some of the candidates &/or their supporters are stooping to in order to win. I guess they feel that if they are mudslinging and talking about what his/her opponent 'does wrong' then they don't have to talk about themselves.
Comment by Ben Waller on October 12, 2008 at 9:34am
I agree with what both Scott and Mick said here, but remember that in order to beat the man, you have to be the man. Sen. McCain is now in the position of having to overcome likely voter fraud that the ACORN group been engaging in, especially in "purple" states like Ohio that will be critical electoral votes in the Nov. election. In case you haven't heard, CNN documented that ACORN has been paying people to complete multiple voter registrations, some as many as 70 times. This includes people that are not U.S. citizens and don't have the legal right to cast one vote, let alone 70.

That puts Sen. McCain's supporters in the position of using any legitimate tactic, including negative campaigning, to overcome what ACORN is doing.

Two critical things about ACORNs activities...

1) Sen. Obama reportedly has close ties with ACORN, and ACORN's activities are targeded exclusively at voters who are likely to vote for Sen. Obama

2) With the documented problems with the ACORN registrations, if these voters are allowed to vote, it will likely lead to a voter fraud lawsuit that will delay the election certification and make the 2000 Florida recount and lawsuit look like a picnic. Alternatively, it may lead to the ACORN registrations being invalidated and legitimate voters being disenfranchised. Either of those won't be good for the country.

If the election is close in the states where ACORN registrations are an issue, the results are not likely to be pretty, regardless of who wins. If Sen. McCain doesn't challenge these registrations and Sen. Obama is elected, then Pres. Obama's Presidency will be tainted from the outset. That issue has nothing to do with race or racism on anyone's part - it's simply about an ethical issue stemming from a group that strongly supports Sen. Obama.
Comment by Mick Mayers on October 11, 2008 at 8:18pm
Although I am still weighing in on who I will vote for, I want to say publicly that John McCain showed an incredible amount of class this past week with some of his comments. THAT is the McCain that I respect and I can only hope that both campaigns get rid of the attack ad jerks and get down to real issues. We need real leaders right now, not a bunch of mud-slinging spin jockeys.

I discussed some of this stuff on another blog and there are some people out there who believe everything they see or hear without checking the facts. These are two people, just like you and me, who happen to share a desire to lead the our nation forward. They wake up just like we do in the morning, they eat like we do, and they have good days and bad days like we do. These people aren't gods, they just happen to be in a different circumstance. Its the people out there who make crazy statements and the campaigns and the media just keep right on feeding it.

Maybe if we put all if the emotional rhetoric aside and got down to solving our problems, we'd accomplish something.

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