Candles - people JUST don't get the danger!

People really DON'T get the dangers of candles - do they? I used to love the smell of scented candles but I only used them on special occassion when I knew I wouldn't forget them or fall asleep because of the known dangers. Then my husband and I had a baby and a few years later we got a puppy - well let's just say the candles got put away before baby and have never returned. BUT I am very happy to share that I found a GREAT alternative.

You all know my fire service connection from my profile, what you might not know is that I also spent 15 years working in the electrical, and fire safety inspection fields both in commerical and residential settings. I can't tell you how many fire inspections I did in offices where I found candles burning - I understand, they like the smell but IT SIMPLY ISN'T SAFE (or legal in public spaces). So when I discovered SCENTSY wickless I was absolutely thrilled!!! - As a candle fan, as a mom, as a fire service pesonnel and as a Fire Safety inspector. In fact I loved the product so much I became a consultant - becuase it is a product that I really, really believe in.
In the jurisdiction where I worked a few years back, they had a fire,cause by a candle. A parent and child lost their life - it is something so simple, but seems so difficult for people to comprehend, why?

This past weekend I was at a show, where I had a Fire Prevention week display featuring my SCENTSY Wickless - okay people JUST DON'T GET IT! I can't tell you how many people asked me "well I have one of those tart burners - you know with the candle - I can use this wax right?" After which I would begin my whole safety lesson about the hazards of open flame candles and schpeel that point of SCENTSY is that it is a SAFE, flameless alternative(it uses a 25 night light bulb) That is is a low temp wax (won't burn children or pets if spilled) . I know previous shows I have done with SCENTSY people simply don't get the danger connection to candles - so I really thought that the visual props I used to tie things to Fire Prevention week might get people to realize the hazards of open flame candles!!

I did great at the show, as far as sales, because honestly the product sells itself, but I was just a little disappointed becuase I didn't feel like I really reached people about the whole candle safety issue. I became a consultant for SCENTSY not for the money (although it is fun way to earn a few extra bucks) but more for the value of the product. In fact each month I do an on-line party and donate 10% of the sales to a charity . . . for OCTOBER the charity is the NYS Firemen's Home in Hudson, NY.

Does anyone have suggestions about how to make people aware of the hazards of open flame candles?

If anyone would like stats on candle fires and information on SCENTSY email me or visit my website It is also a great fire prevention /awareness - fundraiser product.

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Comment by Yamilette Rodriguez on November 9, 2008 at 3:15pm
I totally agree with you...I eliminated all wick candles from my home! Many years ago I lived in New Jersey. I remember the house next to ours caught fire from a lit candle...It was a two story house, 3 children died in the upstairs bedrooms...Now I know better, and chose to "LosetheWick". See my blog also!
Comment by Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd on October 7, 2008 at 2:58am
Does anyone have suggestions about how to make people aware of the hazards of open flame candles?

Of course! Simply wait for a fire to occur where the cause was candle(s) and get permission from the owners to have an open house for the general public. Invite the media, etc. to get the fire prevention words out there. That's why they call it prevention... : ) TCSS, Mike from Santa Barbara

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