The Continuing Chronicles of the FNG(irl): Unofficially Official

Well, props to my chief, he didn't want me to have to wait another week or so to get the arson check back and then have to wait for the letter from the department, so.....drumroll.........

I'm unofficially officially IN !!!

I'll be getting sworn in at the next department business meeting (first Tuesday in February), that is, of course, as long as my arson background check comes back clean.

They can't count that time my sisters and I set the garage on fire when I was eight years old...can they? I think that requires a short explanation: The backyard was knee deep in those fluffy powderpuff things from all of the trees in our yard...and somehow my sister Cathy figured out that they went up like a Roman candle and then blazed out just as quickly if you lit them with a match. It was a boring afternoon, all five of us were home and in dire need of a diversion before we started picking on each other, and next thing I knew....WHAM!!!!!!!! Those fluffy things practically blew up, and then they set fire to the dried out creeper vine that was growing all over the garage. If Mr. Paul next door hadn't sprinted out with a fire extinguisher, I think my parents might have packed us off to that girls school in the Canadian Rockies they kept threatening us with.

Right, where was I?

So once I get my letter, I'll go get my physical, bring back the proof, attend the business meeting, get sworn in and geared up, outfitted with a pager, and then it's off to FF1 for about 15 weeks. In the meantime, I can respond to calls and develop my traffic safety skills. :) This is, hands DOWN, the single most exciting thing I've ever done in my life, and I have NOT had a boring life.

Stay tuned...I'll post pics of the swearing in and me attired in my fetching turnout gear when I get them.

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Comment by Jim Seargent on February 4, 2008 at 12:44pm
I'm proud of you! It gets into the blood.......(Tiger said annals) He, He,He
Comment by Breeanna on January 18, 2008 at 9:09pm
Comment by LadyChaplain on January 17, 2008 at 12:06pm
Lol. You're somethin' else.
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on January 16, 2008 at 8:11pm
oh the hell with a blue light---I'm gettin me one of them big ole light bars...hell, maybe I'll just get a CARPET of blue lights and drape my sexy green soccer mom van in them....I'll just FESTOON the thing with lights
Comment by LadyChaplain on January 16, 2008 at 7:29pm
Oh, but don't you ever refer to a blue light as "sexy" because then I'll have to smack you... and don't think that I won't.
Comment by LadyChaplain on January 16, 2008 at 7:28pm
Congrats :-) And as long as you remember my list of wisdom for firefighter one, you'll be fine lol.
Comment by Brad Carlson on January 16, 2008 at 5:50pm
congrats.youll do just fine.And stay away from those poofy things.
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on January 15, 2008 at 11:33am
Former Girl Scout here :)
I never made it to the top cookie seller list--you couldn't compete with the Vogels and the Pascals--14 kids in one family, 15 in the other.
Pesky Catlicks.
By the way, I know what you mean now about the gloves and boots not fitting.
Comment by WLR Deputy Chief on January 15, 2008 at 6:01am
Well Congrats!!! I hope you really enjoy it!
Comment by Mary Ellen Shea on January 14, 2008 at 10:56pm
Oh Art, that was a stinker (wink) ...even for you~

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