Well, where do I start?

Our state and counties are starting to feel the increased number of alarms due to the plain fact, Delaware is growing in population. The only thing that is not growing is Volunteer Firefighters? I still volunteer and very proud of that accomplishment, but my Career counterparts don't like it too much...But thats enough of that. I am writing this blog to uncover our misconceptions that we have developed within this state. We believe that because of our long lasting tradition we can survive. I often question that? but still when my 24 is over I am getting on the volley rigs and tring to protect my community. We had a close call the other day and it really bothered me. 7 Brothers were trapped and requested a MAYDAY transmission ( all OK RIT did it job). I served on a County Committee to standardize the way we operate as a fire service, but old independant volunteer traditions would not allows to make changes. I wonder when that day is going to come for the ultimate sacrifice of our Brothers and Sisters? We say we are proactive and have a awesome training academy. Then why is NFPA certifications as FF 1, 2 or FO 1, 2 not required? Old tradition, I guess? Our Volunteer fire service has no oversight even thought we have commissioner that have no say to anything but boundaries and EMS issues? Our EMS personnel are required to have more training and continuing training than our firefighters? WHY? Our Fire Officers are still elected from popularity and not trained ability.

So until we get our head out of asses......I Guess the RIT companies will be busy, I will be truely upset if someone does not solves this problem before someone I love get Killed!!!!!

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Comment by Mick Mayers on January 8, 2008 at 12:16am
I think it's hard for some of these guys to let it go sometimes and realize that the nature of the business has changed; there are plenty of examples of how the "way we have done it for years" didn't work about an hour and a half up the beach from here and we'll be reading about that whole mess long into the next five years. All I can say is good luck and hopefully someone will get the message before it's too late. And thanks for the message earlier-

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