John "Jack" Wilson
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John "Jack" Wilson's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
City of Wilmington, Delaware
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Also currently a member of Delaware City, Delaware Volunteer Fire Company. I am the Operations Team Leader for the New Castle County, Delaware Special Operations Team.
My Training:
over 2000 or more hours of continued Fire / EMS / Hazmat/ Rescue/ etc.
About Me:
I am assigned to Heavy Rescue Company # 1- D Platoon ( 12 years) (Firehouse Magazines 11 busiest rescue company in the USA ) I also am a Fire / Rescue / EMS Instructor for 19 years. I also work for Dover International Speedway as a Crew Chief. I am active Volunteer Firefighter within New Castle County, Delaware.
Day Job:
Firefighter 24/7/365
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
4 Generation Volunteer, 2 Generation Career....My 16 year old son just joined the VFD (5 Generations). I don't see myself doing anything else, it is a great ride.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Is the people I get to interact with
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Lack of personel in the Volunteer Fire Service

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John "Jack" Wilson's Blog

It's RIT Time Again???

Posted on January 7, 2008 at 11:15pm 1 Comment

Well, where do I start?

Our state and counties are starting to feel the increased number of alarms due to the plain fact, Delaware is growing in population. The only thing that is not growing is Volunteer Firefighters? I still volunteer and very proud of that accomplishment, but my Career counterparts don't like it too much...But thats enough of that. I am writing this blog to uncover our misconceptions that we have developed within this state. We believe that because of our long…


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At 2:10pm on November 19, 2008, Robert Kahl said…
lol so i heard the department hired their first class... and i'm s till stuck here lol so that sux, but hey maybe the city will finally budget you guys some more firefighters and then they'll have to hire more off of my list, haha. One can hope right?
At 8:58pm on September 14, 2008, Robert Kahl said…
dont worry about it i understand your a busy guy how have things been going at station one for you?
At 12:27pm on August 30, 2008, Robert Kahl said…
hey you guys settle your contracts yet?
At 1:52pm on August 21, 2008, Robert Kahl said…
i'm sure you've been on the job with WFD for a very long time sir. But if you still do remember that long road you had to take to get there i went for my interview with Chief Patrick back in February and found out in early June that I am on the list to be hired. However they did not tell me where i rank on the list, but Batt. Chief Jobes told me that if everyone retires in September that can retire (which is unlikely) that everyone on the list would be hired. I also know that IAFF 1590 is contract renewal and asking the city for 24 new budget spots for new fighters, I haven't seen any new devlopment in that so i dont know if the FD has setteled with the city yet or not but that might have an effect as to why i have not been told anything new that is happening i think i sent you a friend reqeust if you could accept that i would love it see you around.
At 3:00pm on June 3, 2008, Al said…
Hey, Jack thanks for getting us the radios in the Sprint Garage on Sunday… What a difference!
At 3:27am on May 18, 2008, Robert Kahl said…
Hey Mr. Wilson, how are you doing? I applied to the city of wilmington in the summer. And had the chance and honor to meet Chief Patrick in my Chief of Fire interview and i am eagerly awaiting my letter back as to if i passed the final interview. I really do wish to be hired out of all the places i have applied, i do have to say i have sort of fallen in love with the City of Wilmington and would love to work there. I often try to stride to be the best. Given the fact that Wilmington Fire Department was rated as second best responce time in the nation second only to FDNY by Boston Globe and NFPA i think is exactly the department i would be proud to be a memeber of. If you dont mind accepting my friend request I would love to speak with you sometime perhaps some questions about the department if you dont mind? I hope to talk to you soon and stay safe out there.
At 8:59am on March 17, 2008, firemanmike3073 said…
hey jack..
thanks for comin to gateway international racceway to train our new people over the weekend. we really enjoyed having you al from dover and nashville come to assist us.if you could email or ptu those pics on a disk i wolud really aprriciate thate...i think the boy can take the "old man" if it came to it...good thing we are best freinds......gonna miss him when he goes to the navy... any way good to see you ..take care ..see you next time.........mike price
At 11:18am on February 8, 2008, ben thompson said…
hey "jack" hows things?. thank you for the quick reply. my address is ben thompson 1 MacArthur circle north south portland,Maine 04106. if you could send me your address i will send my patch right out, thanks again!.
At 2:03pm on February 2, 2008, Rescue 5&1 said…
Hey Bro, how is everything. Do you have a website for your heavy rescue. Also starting a Rescue 1 patch collection if you would like to swap.

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