Merry Christmas to all those fire junkies out there

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the town, the fire siren echoed blaring its sound.
The firefighters came running from far and from near,
and raced to the trucks quickly donning their gear.

And I in my bunkers my boots and my hat,
jumped to the engine to see where the fire's at.
Down at the corner of Fifth and of Oak,
the dispatcher informed us of a house filled with smoke.

Smoke poured from the sides, from up and from down,
yet up on the roof there was none to be found.
So up to the rooftop we raised up a ladder,
and climbed up to see what was the matter.

I came to the chimney and what did I see,
but a fellow in red stuck up to his knees.
Well we tugged and we pulled until he came out,
then he winked with his eye and said with a shout.

"These darn newfangled chimneys they make them too small,
for a fellow as I, not skinny at all."
With a twitch of his nose he dashed to his sleigh,
and called to his reindeer, "AWAY now, AWAY."

As we rolled up our hoses he flew out of sight, saying:
"God bless our firefighters"
...and to all a good night.

-Author Unknown

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Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on December 26, 2007 at 11:56am
I have kinda zeroed in on the guys selling positive pressure ventilation/positive pressure attack.
When you look at the maturity level here with many of the younguns, selling a potentially lethal tactic doesn't sit well with me.
Kind of like the head first bail out. Is it REALLY necessary to teach something like that?
I don't know.
Still seeing a lot of plagiarism and hawking of wares here.
I am beginning to think that Dave wants anybody and everybody, because he has visions of being bigger and better than
Did you know that implemented a probation period for new members? They monitor and approve all posts for the first thirty days. That way, no one can come in, say some hateful crap and leave. I like that idea and pushed for it when I frequented the site.
There are ways to control this crap. But the owner has to agree.
Comment by Andrew Lowry on December 26, 2007 at 3:14am
Added it.....And hope everyone had a safe and merry Christmas.
Comment by Tiger Schmittendorf on December 24, 2007 at 9:03am
Perhaps you could add the appropriate credit to: Author Unknown
Comment by Andrew Lowry on December 24, 2007 at 2:56am
No, I assumed that it was anonymous. I got it from a friend's bulletin on MySpace.
Comment by Tiger Schmittendorf on December 24, 2007 at 1:06am
That's nice.

Did you write it?

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