Thanks for your help... But it's out of our hands now.

Editing my original post for suggestions and such regarding our department "consolidation".

No matter what we do, or how bad we don't want it to happen, nothing short of a miracle can save us. Our Department is destined to go. If not now, with dignity, eventually- and on worse terms. I have discovered that the people who this station means the most to are those with the littelest amount of pull when it comes to saving it.

I will let go. I will move on. I will hurt, a lot. But I learned so much while I was here. I am PROUD to have served my community. I am PROUD to have been a part of such a wonderful thing. I am PROUD to know where I came from..

Make no mistake, OFD is my home, It's where i started as an explorer. It's where my brother has been for 18 years. He used to babysit me at the station when he was a live in. I'm attached to this station, and my "family", blood and fire. I am hurt that I will have to watch my fire family disbanded and scattered to the wind.

I hurt the most for my brother, who has nowhere else to go but retirement from a job he loves. I hate to see my brother so sad. I love him more than anyone else in this world- he has encouraged me and taught me SO much. He has made me what I am today. If I can be a tenth of the person he is, i will die happy.

I will NEVER forget OFD. IT WILL live on in our memories forever- the people, the calls, the pranks, the smells, the sights- all of it. There's not a moment i would take back. Goodbye my friend.

as for me, who knows where i will go from here. There's a paid call department about 20 minutes from here that I might be able to get onto- they currently have two openings.. But they can't take all the "orphans" this merger will create. The future is up in the air. I plan on getting back in shape (i've let that slip) and start studying to test other places. I'm going to try desperately to stay close to home- so that limits my options since i don't want full-time fire and there are not any more volly stations around here and only that one PC station.

Thanks for all your help, support, and answers in this difficult time. God bless. I'll keep you updated- But OFD should be disbanded and history by April at the VERY latest. More than likely by February. I'll be here til the last day- to the very last call.

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