My name is Rick I'm 21 and a firefighter/emt-b on the Springfield Twp. Fire Dept in northern oakland county in Michigan. I'm looking for a bit of advice for anyone willing to give it. I'm looking into getting a full time firefighter job. I'd like to stay in Michigan but with the economy the way it is, it's almost impossible. I'm basically writing this in regards to jobs. If anyone had heard of an openbing in MI. I'd really like to hear about it. The only thing with looking for a new job is I almost feel like I'd be betraying the dept. I currently work for given the fact that they gave me my chance to be in the fire service after two other dept's turned me down, besides the fact that my current dept. also paid for my schooling. Would it be betraying them if I wanted to expand my horizons or should I stay around and wait for them to hire a new full-timer? I'd even be open to advice from other firefighters who are on the hiring board and officers to as what they look for when they see a job application and during the interview process. Thank you ahead of time to all of you that reply to this. Stay safe.

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Comment by Stelzer III on March 13, 2008 at 8:05am
Within a year we will be hiring 3 to 6 new firefighters fulltime but you would need to be with the department before this takes place to apply. We hire from our paid on call group.
Comment by Jeff Betz on December 13, 2007 at 9:00pm
Hey Rick; I am in Adrian and we are about to hire one new person. You are too late for this chance but our small full time department (18) will hire again in a few years or less. I will keep my ears open for you. As far as leaving your current dept goes, I feel you should leave if a chance comes along. You are young and want the career, so go get it. In defense of your dept though; you should give them your best while you are there to lessen the fallout if/when you have to leave. Municipalities put a lot of money into a good firefighter and they deserve their monies worth from you. I am sure you have already given this thought or you wouldn't have asked in the first place. Good luck to you, feel free to contact me if you would like.

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