On 8/31/08, our fire and police depts. in La Grange, plaied a softball game verses our neighbour town of Cantons fire and police. Wow what a great time!!! I am telling you one way to gain friendship and better working relationship with a nother dept that is the way. Plus we help raise money for the Relay For Life!!! This was the fourth annual game. We won this one 21-11. Every year between department both teams and admentance charge wi raise aroud $300 for a local Relay team. It may not sound like a lot but every pennie counts. Everyone knows someone who has had cancer or has lost someone frome it so we continue to fight the battle every year. I hope that aeveryone who reads this enjoys what they do and cherishes every day with there friends and family. Have fun and stay safe!!!

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Comment by ERCVFD 842 C. Warren on September 2, 2008 at 4:46am
Hey Grant congrats, this is really wonderful cause and everyone has been affected by cancer in one way or another. Yes, $300 doesn't seem like a lot dollar wise but when you think about the good that $300 does it's a whole lot more than you think. Keep up the wonderful work, and GOD bless you. Stay safe, ChrisMVFD1149

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