Ex Wife

The Devil Loves Grey
You know I was thinking the other day if the devil had a favorite color what would it be…..grey. Why would I waste the time thinking of something like this you may ask? Well maybe because people never cease to amaze me with the things they do. Have you noticed nowadays people live by the code of CYA(cover your ass!)
For example, its like saying "I Love You," instead of hearing those three words returned you get "UH HUH" they acknowledged what you said but they didn't return the words. There by not committing any emotional attachment. Shade of grey, maybe……..was it as clear cut as black and white no. There was no I love you back, but no scream of terror over hearing those words. So it is up to you to interpret what the meaning of "UH HUH" is to you. About as clear as mud.
Which begs the question what is love. Is it black or white. Do you love a person or do you hate them. How do you make the jump from making love to fucking. Is it just sex or an ultimate expression of caring. Or my personal favorite, " I care about you, but I don't love you" That to me is the "bend over baby" phrase. Just enough to think you have a chance, but nothing to gain commitment from another. Shade of grey
It is really amazing how people can perfect the art of CYA. Its like asking the question" Watcha doin?" Classic answer,"Talking to you." Ok Mr Obvious you know darn well that I meant what were you doing when I approached you. True enough they answered the question. In a literal sense, but they didn't really answer the question. Black or white, I don't think so.
Did we actually talk? here's an example . "Hi, how was your day" ………."it was a day." What would you like for dinner? "Something edible" Ok now we have had a illuminating conversation…….. Dinner is now served, not what you wanted, you had a horrible day and only really wanted to be left in peace to watch TV. You didn't want to talk about why you had a bad day so you avoided mentioning it. Now your eating a dinner you weren't in the mood for. Plus forced in a corner by people who are trying to talk to you that you had no wish or desire to talk to. Now your mad because no one will take the hint to leave you alone, because if you had wanted to talk you would have told them what you really had thought in the first place. Either way now you are screwed because the other person is mad at you. They had asked you, and you had answered. Did either one of you get black or white in that. Shade of gray. Devil is laughing his ass off this time. Communication, I don't think so.
Dating today is the biggest shade of grey. It's like This person is so right for me. They understand me. We totally connect. Then time goes by. What in the hell did I get myself into. What was it that I saw in you? Was it chemistry? Or is it that you were enough of an opposite of my ex that I could stand you. "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." What the hell is that. I'll have sex with you, but I don't care enough to say I love you to you. Or "Baby I love you more than I thought possible"……………"Who in the
f@%$ do you think you are." Isn't it amazing how we can love, f#$@, and hug the same people. Where is the middle. Why is it the people we care about drive us completely crazy. That's like living with someone but not marrying them. Getting the benefits without the contract. No black or white there either. I can stand you enough to live with you, but not love you enough to commit to you. It's like living with a 50% off coupon. You only pay half of the bills that way.
Then you marry. That is black or white. Until you meet miss or mr right now. Now the fun begins. Which shade of grey can we play with before we have to make a black or white decision. Is it grey if the other person doesn't know. They don't know, no harm no foul. But you know, which in turn makes you wonder if they know. They ask "how was work?" You keep your answer neutral so you can see if their trying to trick you into giving something away. The other person is wondering what is up with you. Now your both wondering about each other. Could a solid color answer have avoided this? We won't know, So now you ask how your spouses day was. They give you the answer of ……" It was a day" now they have to be lying to you because if they didn't have something to hide from you they would have given you a direct answer. Darker shades are here. You see the devil loves grey. Talking to someone else isn't hurting anyone if your not doing anything right? It doesn't matter the subject as long as it is talk right? Depends on the person. Depends on the shade.
Don't ya love shades of grey. Ironically enough grey is supposed to be a comforting color. We are drawn more quickly to people in grey then we are to people dressed in all white or black. Yet we live in a CYA world. It's all about now. Later will get here sometime. How we look at today mirrors how we lived yesterday. The past is dead yet it colors our lives in the future. A white lie and a black heart. The yin and yang. Do we ever find balance in absolutes or just levels of survival in shades of grey.

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Comment by Tony Keith 2nd on December 3, 2007 at 10:44pm
Damn good comment i can totaly understand where your comeing from!
Comment by Tony Keith 2nd on December 3, 2007 at 10:44pm
Damn good comment i can totaly understand where your comeing from!
Comment by Tony Keith 2nd on December 3, 2007 at 10:44pm
Damn good comment i can totaly understand where your comeing from!

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