You have the right to be spinal immobilized despite the fact that you were only hit at a speed equivalent to that of a sloth on valium

If you give up this right to abuse the system, any attempt to fake neck pain later on can and will be used against you in the course of me starting multiple, painful, large-bore IVs

You have the right to distract the ER physician from treating any real patients and have an attorney present, which is why the ER staff will do needless tests and procedures to begin with, just so they can cover their own butts

If you can not afford a new car, a new car will won for you be and unethical, ambulance chasing, low-life blood sucking lawyer by tying up the judicial system for years in the hopes that the poor bastard who tapped your car will settle out of court at no cost to you

If you understand these rights as they have been read to you nod your head violently up and down

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Comment by ENGINECREW CAPT. aka Pres.FHMC on November 20, 2007 at 5:21pm
thats too funny
Comment by Paul Montpetit on November 20, 2007 at 6:51am
Hmmmm....sounds like someone just finished a bad shift.....hang in there little sister.....we don't want to loose you to "burn-out" (I hate that term).....Stay safe....keep the faith and try what I do....always try and find a little humor in everything....(even if its among your crew back at the firehouse......Paul

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