For those of you who have responded to my forum "top five issues facing ff's," you have seen that ff fitness is one of the issues that alot of ff's are thinking about. The sad thing is... its true!!!! While attending FDIC this year, I saw more overweight people then I ever wanted to. I'm talking a hostess shop could have opened and sold out in five minutes!!!! Okay... so maybe that last part isnt true but the point is we as ff's face a dangerous, physically demanding job on a daily basis and for some, the most exercise we get is walking from the bunk room to the kitchen table. Okay... enough rambling... what are we going to do about it? Well I cant make you get on the treadmill but I have an idea that I hope will inspire. FFN Biggest Loser Challenge!!!! Wait... is that copyrighted? Oh well... is copyrighted even a word? lol. Okay so heres how it works... Use this blog page to post your starting weight. Come back as often as you like to post your progress. After six months we declare a winner. What do I win you ask???? How bout a healther life and a new body to show off. (Unless the webchief feels like pitching in some cabbage for a shiny new car or something lol.) I can hear it already. "what about you dustin??? are you going to be in the contest too???" As a matter of fact I am!!!! I may not need to lose a whole lot of weight but anyone can always be healther. So... here goes... just got on the scale. My starting weight is 178. One problem I do have is high BP so I'm gona track that too and see if I can bring it down. Starting BP (damn... taking your own bp is not easy lol)... 158/98. Yeah, I told you it was high lol.

Dont be afraid to join the group "fitness for Emergency Services." Theres alot of good people with alot of good ideas there that can help you get started. Also, there is a ton of information online that you can find about losing weight properly and eating healthy so check it out!!! Okay kids... lets get started!!!

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Comment by Jason Koontz on May 28, 2009 at 8:37pm
Alright, I'm in. I don't know my cholesterol and my BP has always been fine, but I'm heavy. Last weigh in was about 3 weeks ago, I was at 238. Thats the heaviest I've been EVER, and I absolutely hate it. So far I've upped my activity level, cut my portion size, and dropped all the sodas and other stuff in favor of fruit juices and lots of water. Not sure what target I should aim for, but I'm guessing anything under 200 would be awesome. I just wanna lose the extra chin and the spare tire. LOL, hate to admit it, but I like to show off every now and again, and its alot easier to do when you're not as round as I. LET'S GET IT ON!!!!!
Comment by Kirk D. Baughman on May 28, 2009 at 8:28pm
i think this is a good ideal i'm overweight. i weight 340 and i'm not proud of it. i have 4 kids and i don't want them to look like me. i think we should share any thing we learn about getting fit. do any one have any great recipets???
Comment by Bob on May 28, 2009 at 5:51pm
I was @ 240 and saw my picture in the paper and went into shock, my chloresteral was over 300 triglycerides @ 510 and not healthy. Now i am @ 213 -216 lbs chloresteral is great triglycerides around 200 and am out of work, i fell on the job tore all 4 tendons in my shoulder and have nothing but time so i spend it in the gym 4-5 times a week. lots of luck to all of you don't give up be determined and you shall win
Comment by Mark A. Duell on May 28, 2009 at 4:59pm
Well, I'm 43 and use to have high BP, but its been almost 2yrs that I have been able to keep it down w/out taking any meds. I believe a lot has to do with my wife's cooking healthy meals, and i've also cut back on portion size. My wife has lost 60# and kept it off w/out any problem. She started Weight Watchers July of 2007, and set the goal of loosing 60#. By July of 2008 she met her goal. Now almost a year later she has stayed the same. It's more of a discipline than anything. Portion size, a little exercise. My weight is presently 212# and I have yet to go above that. I don't want to go above that! My height is 5'7". According to charts, I should weigh approx. 175. I know when I graduated from High School, I weighed 145. After I came out of boot camp, I weighed 175. Would like to get back down around there, but if i can just get rid of the gut I would be happy. I have set a goal, to be able to compete in the firefighters challenge on the local level. I believe I'm in moderately good shape. But I want better. I thought about the Px90. One of the problems I do have is Fibromyalgia/Chronic fatigue. But any how, we will see how I do.
Comment by Alan Stockwell on May 28, 2009 at 4:24pm
Just wanted to comment on a couple things. I've been training on my days off, certified from ACE and NSCA (and a peer fitness trainer through the IAFF) for about 8 years now. After reading some comments, just wanted to throw a few thoughts out there. First, fat does not convert to muscle. It is impossible. You can lose fat and add muscle, but one does not turn into the other. Second, for those trying to "lose weight" (I'll assume you are thinking fat loss), you will see a greater benefit by focusing on full body workouts 3-4 times per week not split routines. I guarantee that you will burn more calories working larger muscles than focusing on accessory muscles. Then think about cardio 4-6 times per week. ALWAYS leave at least 1 day per week for rest - THAT MEANS NO EXERCISE - Lastly, depending on who you speak to, your food intake (your diet) is 70% - 80% of what your body is. That means you cannot (unless you're the lucky one with great genetics) take off and keep off any weight without learning how to eat smarter.
Comment by FIREHIKER on May 28, 2009 at 3:29pm
OK, I'm jumping into the mix. When I went through the fire academy, I dropped from 214 to 194...but after the academy I became sedentary during EMT school. Here I am a couple years later, all that weight gained back AND THEN SOME, and I just started Paramedic School. I can say that I am POSITIVE that my weight and being out of shape cost me several jobs, so I have nothing to lose, and EVERYTHING to lose, if that even makes sense. I have hovered around 225, and am 5'10".

A recent trip to the ER with what I thought was my gallbladder turned out to be diverticulitis, and I was placed on a clear liquid diet for a week and given heavy turn I dropped about 10 lbs., so I am now at 215. I would like to say my starting weight was 225, just to make me feel like I've lost more, but it's been a few weeks since the hospital, and I have stabilized at 215lbs., so we'll call that the starting point.

My short term goal is 195, but once I get there I truly hope that doing more cardio carrying less weight will get me down to my ultimate goal of 170. My original LT goal was 180, but using BMI calculators I see that is still "Overweight". Years ago I did the Atkins diet and dropped down to 174, so I know I can do it...but I have to remind myself muscle weighs more than fat, so if I'm getting stronger, my weight loss may plateau. It's a marathon, not a sprint for me.

I have some really disgusting "before" photos that I will keep to myself unless I show a miraculous improvement...
I bought P90X, but I have learned that like for many others, the prep work for this program has delayed me from starting...I can use my living room, but there are no door jambs available that will accept my pull-up bar, so I will be getting a pull up rack for my garage and a small dvd player for the tv out there. So here we go, folks...I'm punching in at 215!

Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on May 28, 2009 at 3:01pm
I lost 90 lbs. in 2007 and have kept it off ever since.
The key is controlling sugar, starch and carbs.
I exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
I got rid of the big clothes.
Comment by Jacob Fouts on May 28, 2009 at 1:07pm
Allright......My start is 195, I want to at least cut 10 off, but during the process I expect that alot will convert to muscle mass instead of fat mass. So realistically I expect to cut down to an even 190.

My plan is pretty simple; a five day routine that allows me to have two days to recover at the end. Day 1: Chest and Tri's, Day 2: Cardio, Day 3: Back and Bi's, Day 4: Cardio, Day 5: Abs and Legs. It doesn't have to be alot of weight. I found the best way is to start with reps of 8-10 with a weight that you know you can lift. Do your reps and then stretch. Slowly add more weight until you can only do 5 reps with help. Eventually you will increase your weight without even really realizing it. Then when you do your cardio, don't always do the same routine. Do something different every time. Run walk swim the stairmill one day, swim laps another. The key is that you are getting your heart rate up for an extended period of time.

But of course everybody also should consider some form of diet modification, whether it be smaller portions or less carbs, we can all stand to change a little. An easy step for everybody(although painful and making us all crabby in the morning) is cutting out Caffeine. Many of us think that it's ok that we change to drinking diet soda when in fact it has just as much caffiene as a regular soda. Cut the soda and the morning 1200 calorie Triple Venti Caramel Macchiato with whip (which sounds really good right now) and you will see in improvement in your ability to lose weight as well as gain weight in your pocket book.
Comment by Greg Bertram on May 28, 2009 at 12:12pm
In January of 2008 I weighed 250 lbs. I'm only 5'8", so I was quite overweight. I'm down to 190 lbs today and still going. I have to agree with Robert Thomas - tracking what you eat is key. Read the labels on the food you eat and be aware of what you are eating. Building muscle also helps to burn fat. Good luck to everyone and stay safe.
Comment by Jacque on May 28, 2009 at 12:08pm
you bet, and the green tea is great!!! A good morning breakfast is oatmeal and only plain if you think you can handle no sweatener :) its bland, but its a boost before working out also. I let myself gain a couple over the weekend, now that this has started on here, it will give me another boost to get back on track :)

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