For those of you who have responded to my forum "top five issues facing ff's," you have seen that ff fitness is one of the issues that alot of ff's are thinking about. The sad thing is... its true!!!! While attending FDIC this year, I saw more overweight people then I ever wanted to. I'm talking a hostess shop could have opened and sold out in five minutes!!!! Okay... so maybe that last part isnt true but the point is we as ff's face a dangerous, physically demanding job on a daily basis and for some, the most exercise we get is walking from the bunk room to the kitchen table. Okay... enough rambling... what are we going to do about it? Well I cant make you get on the treadmill but I have an idea that I hope will inspire. FFN Biggest Loser Challenge!!!! Wait... is that copyrighted? Oh well... is copyrighted even a word? lol. Okay so heres how it works... Use this blog page to post your starting weight. Come back as often as you like to post your progress. After six months we declare a winner. What do I win you ask???? How bout a healther life and a new body to show off. (Unless the webchief feels like pitching in some cabbage for a shiny new car or something lol.) I can hear it already. "what about you dustin??? are you going to be in the contest too???" As a matter of fact I am!!!! I may not need to lose a whole lot of weight but anyone can always be healther. So... here goes... just got on the scale. My starting weight is 178. One problem I do have is high BP so I'm gona track that too and see if I can bring it down. Starting BP (damn... taking your own bp is not easy lol)... 158/98. Yeah, I told you it was high lol.

Dont be afraid to join the group "fitness for Emergency Services." Theres alot of good people with alot of good ideas there that can help you get started. Also, there is a ton of information online that you can find about losing weight properly and eating healthy so check it out!!! Okay kids... lets get started!!!

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Comment by Marcko Osuna on May 29, 2009 at 8:28pm
ok, lets see, start at 245 lbs. need to get down to 190 lbs, need to lost, ummm, omg !!!! 55 lbs. !!!!!
Comment by Daniele on May 29, 2009 at 7:09pm
Click on the online custom program in the last column to get to what I'm talking about specifically.
Comment by Daniele on May 29, 2009 at 7:06pm
Can't participate so much due to pregnancy, but I will recommend that you folks interested in really commiting to it should check out the Firefighters workout... Can be found here i simply bought the book and the workbook companion but you can go much more in depth if you want. The site in my opinion is somewhat complicated to navigate it but I totally plan on jumping on board with it once the baby is born and my doctor gives me the go ahead. I wanna get in shape to go to academy.
Comment by Patience Ryan on May 29, 2009 at 4:05pm
Ok, I've read all the previous posts. :) here's goes for me. The short and to the point numbers are 5'4 190lb. I don't really go for using the weight number as true measure of fitness. (my mother is 5'5"120lbs and so much less in shape than I) I think other numbers count more like cholesterol(ratios & total) and BP and resting HR and recovery rate after physical exertion. I've always been big boned and have never fit the height/weight charts. However about 7 years ago I had a stretch where I was under major stress and had very little physical activity and went from 150 to 175lbs. Since then I'm up to about 190lbs. I'm 5'4. I've mostly eaten healthy given we garden and put up our own food. My time spent at University wasn't easy food wise, though I did get into riding my bike all the time which helped a lot. now that I'm back home bike riding isn't so easy to do given we live in the country and there's not much of any place one can ride to that isn't at least 10-15 miles one way and/or quite a bit in elevation change. anyway. in and around being sick with the flu etc this spring I've been working on getting into shape for the summer work season at least by trying to eat regularly and get out and walk or ride several times a week. I have a tendency to not eat if I don't feel hungry. which is fine for the most part depending on my stress levels. when I'm under stress I don't feel hungry until it's way past time I should have eaten. And my body reacts to this lack of food by storing most of it regardless of the calorie count. I am not at this time diabetic but I do have hypoglycemic tenancies. My Cholesterol is finally up to about 130 as of a couple years ago. ratios are about 50/50. Resting HR sitting here 61bpm. BP (yes Dustin it is hard to take your own) 130/72. my goals for the summer: drop the weight to 175-180 if possible, at the least I want to be in good shape at whatever weight I am. I would like to be able to carry on a conversation and ride my bike at the same time again. Preferable not to huff and puff through it. I also have a 30# pack I ride with sometimes too. I did that several times before our annual SCBA test and that was a great help for that. I signed up to mobilize with my FD for fires this summer and I'd like to be in good shape to do so.
well, there you go. Here I am and that's what I'm trying to do. advice and encouragement is always appreciated.
Comment by Edwin Meyer on May 29, 2009 at 12:24pm
I keep saying I am going to start next week and I think this is a good chalenge my weight is 252 and I want to get down to 200 at my physical every year it is you need to lose weight this year I want her to say good job.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on May 29, 2009 at 11:01am
Thanks again everyone for all the great responses. Its great so so many people getting behind this. Make sure you tell your friends not only on this site but in your firehouse too!!!
Comment by Teresa on May 29, 2009 at 11:01am
Yes it sounds like a great a great idea, my starting weight 150 need to get back to 120 I need all the support I can get!!!
Comment by Boston on May 29, 2009 at 10:36am
My starting weight is 254. My goal is 210.
Comment by Sparkette27 on May 29, 2009 at 10:28am
starting at 270lb. Got my shoulder fixed and can exercise more and with a lot less pain. BP is very very different from stress but generally high. hope everyone does well. Also great tip for cooking, get a GTXpress 101 and a magic bullet blender. GTXpress makes small stuff without adding extra fat for cooking. Got one and love it. Magic bullet is great for whipping lowfat milk for shakes and mixing. makes great scrambles eggs that are fluffy
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on May 29, 2009 at 10:01am
For those of you wishing to go from fat to fit, you might find this interesting:

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