Nancy Lankford McCain's Blog (10)

A Great Weekend OFF!

The weekend was great, home to North Texas to visit family and friends there aren't enough hours to fit everyone in. Friday evening, discovered I didn't have the blackberry charger! I survived until home Sunday evening with it turned off!

Saturday back to the "other" family tradition. This was the 57th year our family has participated in the Fort Worth Stock & Rodeo parade. Had a great time working with my son who didn't know I…

Added by Nancy Lankford McCain on January 17, 2011 at 10:51am — No Comments

The Light at the End of the Tunnel Is Not A Train

I have been walking toward this day for a couple of years now. I have worked very hard for free for a lot of folks to get the rep and earn the paper.


This is the dream job. It's what I want to do and a job I have a passion for and I don't have to pay them so that I can do the job!

Here's a pic of the equipment I will be responsible… Continue

Added by Nancy Lankford McCain on August 21, 2009 at 12:11am — 1 Comment

We've all got one! Certified Dement

Here's a link to one of ours. BTW, ain't police (never was) lost leg to diabetes, not hydraulic fluid; has been thrown out of every volunteer organization there is. This is his latest ploy.... BTW did I tell you he's a nutcase?

Added by Nancy Lankford McCain on June 8, 2009 at 7:37pm — No Comments

I need your help!

Alright everyone, it's time for the power of prayer and positive thinking, I have 2 job opportunities that are looking really good. One will require a move and that's OK because it's the one I really want. Everyone put out all the good stuff for me. Over a year without a job will send one into bizarre space and sometimes my best conversations are on the 2 year old level now. (too much grandson time)

Thanks all - Stay safe!


Added by Nancy Lankford McCain on January 20, 2008 at 4:36pm — 1 Comment

Dear Dispatchers/Calltakers,

Good Day all, we love you and the job you do! I have been seated in your chair and I understand, however.....

SHUT UP AND LISTEN! In August I finally hung up and said just send the troops CPR in progress for my aunt, she had a short phone cord and I couldn't answer stupid questions and do CPR at the same time.

This morning I was tyring to give patient info and RESPONDER SAFETY and "YOU" wanted to hang up. Well, it was important that they knew

A) hot lines…


Added by Nancy Lankford McCain on November 1, 2007 at 11:10am — 1 Comment

Say a little Prayer

Received word today the Capt Larry Thomas (ret) 28 year veteran of the Amarillo (TX) FD will be undergoing major spinal surgery this Thursday (10-31). There are some very scary possible side effects and the family is asking for your prayers for his safe and whole recovery.

Take care ALL, bring everyone home! You only have 1*, so take care of it!

Added by Nancy Lankford McCain on October 28, 2007 at 10:37pm — 2 Comments

What did I do wrong now?

Nuf already!!! I did what the docs have been after me and everyone else to do for years. I quit, cold turkey! No prob! Got through that OK. HOWEVER....since that time, I've had 4 sinus infections, and NOW pneumonia!!! After smoking all these years, quitting doesn't seem to be doing anything for my health except adding 40 pounds and making me sick!

Added by Nancy Lankford McCain on October 14, 2007 at 7:17am — No Comments

Don't wait til tomorrow, that will be too late.

Don't wait to tell your friends how much fun they are, or how much you enjoy being around them. It may be too late.

Added by Nancy Lankford McCain on September 24, 2007 at 10:41pm — No Comments

Dry Run v2

We dogded the Dean, but this time Guvnr Goodhair pulled the trigger a little soon and had all the USAR Task forces sitting in harms way if it had come this way. I guess he's paying for all the Statewide mutual aide that's been sitting for 5 days waiting. A lot of unneccessary miles on fire trucks. Maybe he'll wait just a little longer next time.

Our good buddy FEMA Admin pulled his triggers as well, and now can prove that his improvements to the organization work! All in place and…


Added by Nancy Lankford McCain on August 21, 2007 at 8:04pm — No Comments

Dry Run

Well, we survived our first tropical storm of the season. I can't wait for Dean to drop in for a visit next week. I am catching up on sleep now. I'm a good boy scout, I'll be prepared.

Added by Nancy Lankford McCain on August 17, 2007 at 12:46am — 1 Comment

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