Fred Eppinger's Blog (5)

Fear, Enemy or Ally

We as Firefighters, First Responders and EMS Personnel live with fear everyday and on every call.

The fear we feel for others in distress, is what drives us. That fear can also make us careless and we make mistakes. We must learn to deal with the urge to rush in and take chances. We are no good to a victim if something happens to us. That fear needs to be controlled or we become part of the problem not the solution.

The fear we feel for our own safety is the fear we need… Continue

Added by Fred Eppinger on October 14, 2009 at 11:05pm — 1 Comment

What being a Firefighter means to me

I am retired and no longer an Active Firefighter,

but I am now and always will be a Firefighter. I

am a Life Member of my Fire Company.

I will eat sleep and breathe Firefighting until the

day I am called home to the Lord. I can no longer

offer my services, due to poor health, but I can and

will offer an opinion or advice where I can.

I have fought everything the Fire Service has had

to offer during my time as an Active Firefighter,… Continue

Added by Fred Eppinger on September 30, 2009 at 10:01pm — 8 Comments

One More Time

One More Time

An Old Firefighter’s Request

One more time

One more time into the dragon’s lair

One more time through to the bowels of hell

One more time

Just one more time

One more time

One more time to feel the dragon’s breath

One more time to fight the Devil on his terms

One more time

Just one more time

One more time

One more time to go where mortal men fear

One more time to feel the rush

One more… Continue

Added by Fred Eppinger on September 13, 2009 at 4:55pm — 1 Comment

Beware the Dragon's Lair

Beware, the Dragon's Lair

by Fred Eppinger

October 1997

Beware, all ye who would enter the Dragon's Lair, for 'tis no place for the faint of heart and only a true Dragon Slayer will survive the test.

Those who will enter and return, shall be known as Dragon Slayers, and shall live high in the minds of the faint of heart.

Those who will enter and return unscathed, shall be known as having walked with the best.

Those that have entered and not… Continue

Added by Fred Eppinger on September 13, 2009 at 4:51pm — 2 Comments

I Am A Firefighter

I Am A Firefighter

By Fred Eppinger

August 1997

I am a Firefighter; I am a DragonSlayer.

I have entered the lair of the beast and engaged it in mortal combat.

I am a Firefighter; I am a Dancer.

I have entered the gates of hell and danced with the Devil,

until his desire to dance was destroyed.

I am a Firefighter; I am a Human Being.

I make mistakes and I learn from them.

I have fears and I confront and overcome… Continue

Added by Fred Eppinger on September 13, 2009 at 4:43pm — 4 Comments

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