Paul Hasenmeier's Blog (75)

Window Cut-Down - Company Drill

The picture to the left is from a fire the other night in a two story 1,500 square feet residential joint.  It had a gable roof and the second floor was made into one room with knee walls on both B and D walls.  The window seen here was to the first floor bathroom.

For this company drill tabletop session or hands-on training, talk about and/or make a window cut down for rescue.  If we need to open up this window and save our own or get a victim out, how would we do it?  Saws?…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on March 22, 2012 at 2:27pm — No Comments

Hose Connection Exiting - Company Drill

Here’s a simple, yet important drill on orientation with the hoseline.  Lt. Jason Deptula from Vermilion Twp. FD sent the write up over.

As we are all taught in our firefighter classes, the female connection on a hose connects to the make end of the next section.  Using the progression of female to male can lead us out of a building or “smooth bump bump to the pump”. Read…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on March 18, 2012 at 8:34pm — No Comments

Acquired Structure Training Burns

This past week my latest article was published on acquired structure training burns.  Read it here.  In the article I referenced two resources which I have posted here.  

Pass it on!

Added by Paul Hasenmeier on March 16, 2012 at 11:01pm — No Comments

Water Supply Issue?

Norwalk firefighter Charlie Hillman sent me this picture of some significant calcification in an old ductile iron main.  Think about the following questions:

  • How does this effect our water supply?
  • Besides the water department having a break in the line or a customer noticing a decrease in water, how can we discover this problem?
  • Does the calcification increase or decrease pressure to hydrants?
  • My guess is this is a 16″ main that is decreased down to…

Added by Paul Hasenmeier on March 6, 2012 at 10:46pm — No Comments

Tanker Fill Procedure - Company Drill

To start the evolution, the apparatus moves 200 feet to location B.  The tanker is filled from a fill site engine.  When the water tank is full to overflow, the fill line(s) are disconnected (ensure all firefighters are seat belted in prior to moving apparatus), and the tanker moves 200 feet and stops (document your total time for later use with ISO).  Read…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on March 6, 2012 at 9:25pm — No Comments

Tanker Discharge Procedure - Company Drill

Here’s another moving water drill.  If you missed the portable pond set-up drill, click here.  Move the water as you would in a water shuttle operation.  (Record and document times for later use with ISO).…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on March 1, 2012 at 10:39pm — No Comments

2012 Ford Explorer

Below are a few pictures of the 2012 Ford Explorer taken at a recent car show.  As you scan the pictures think about your cut zones and the need to rip some plastic to look for new vehicle technology. Read on.

Click over to Boron Extrication for more.

Pass it on.  

Added by Paul Hasenmeier on February 28, 2012 at 9:42am — No Comments

Portable Pond Set-Up - Company Drill

Over the next few weeks several water shuttle related company drill topics will be added.  In Ohio the terminology is tanker, however, it is synonymous with other regions tender terminology.   Many of these skill set times are evaluated when ISO comes to visit you, but more importantly the training will improve your operations.  *Keep track of your times and the evolution description for later use with ISO.  …


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on February 26, 2012 at 1:06pm — No Comments

Surprise Interior School Bus Fire

The video below shows a surprise live fire training session involving a school bus.  Although realistic, be cautious in setting up a surprise scenario.  Here are a few things to think about ahead of time if your the instructor in charge: Read on.

Pass it on!

Added by Paul Hasenmeier on February 20, 2012 at 4:14pm — No Comments

Fire Behavior - Company Drill

The following is a post with several insights and references on fire behavior, especially today’s fire behavior.  It’s not about guts or glory, but a priceless discussion on what the fire is doing in the buildings we are entering.

David Walsh (Program Chair for…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on February 13, 2012 at 2:29pm — No Comments

RIT Locating a Mayday FF - Company Drill

This post is from Lt Jason Deptula (Vermilion Twp. FD).

I’m sure we all practice RIT procedures in some fashion, here’s a twist to keep your crews focused on their situational awareness.  Send your attack team through an exterior door at your station or training center and let’s call that our “A” side of our working incident.  Have them proceed through a series of halls or rooms with a couple left or right hand turns.  While they are making their way through…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on February 11, 2012 at 8:32pm — No Comments

Ladder Truck Placement - Company Drill

Here’s a pretty easy drill for ladder truck placement training.  Phil Burden, JD Vasbinder, and Tom Wilcox have been doing this for years.

Pick a day, but Sunday’s work best when traffic is light.  Get your crew out of the recliners and take your truck out for a ride.  Pick a building, discus placement, set it up, recognize hazards, check out the roof, and see where and what you can reach.

Make it a Sunday morning habit and you will soon have greater efficiency and knowledge on…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on February 6, 2012 at 10:19pm — No Comments

High Anchor Point with 2:1 for Window Rescue

This is a firefighter or victim rescue company drill that intimidates some, but once you break it down and train, it can be done quickly with just a few firefighters.  The scenario simulates a heavy victim inside the window where rescuers cannot lift the victim out the window.  The high-anchor point with a modified 2:1 provides extra lifting…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on January 30, 2012 at 3:04pm — No Comments

Firefighter Survival Training

At a firefighter survival and rescue training this past Saturday (Ehove Fire Academy), we covered a bunch of the skills every firefighter should have in their memory bank.  This class could no doubt last a week or more.…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on January 30, 2012 at 12:23pm — No Comments

Oil Burners - White Ghost - Company Drill

By Dave Walsh, Chair, DCC Fire Science program

With winter upon us, it’s a good time to review one of the hazards this season brings; the “white ghost.” As we all know, basically only vapors burn; solids must undergo chemical decomposition…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on January 22, 2012 at 10:12pm — No Comments

FD vs. Aircraft Carrier Operational Similarities - Company Drill

This training idea was sent from David Walsh, Chair of the Fire Science Program at Dutchess Community College in NY.

In this video about an aircraft carrier, note the many parallels between their operation and an FD incident scene operation. The entire video is only about 10 minutes but the stuff that can be related to the FD starts around the 3 min mark (really shows the expansive power of steam).  …


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on January 17, 2012 at 10:57am — No Comments

A Quick Visit at the Pierre (SD) Regional Airport FD

On our return trip from facilitating a converstation at the South Dakota Fire Instructors Conference, Tiger Schmittendorf and I were given a tour of the Pierre Regional Airport FD.  Special thanks to …


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on January 16, 2012 at 3:47pm — No Comments

Water Rescue Throw Bags

This drill is from Lt. Bronner (PTFD). 

Objective:  Water rescue does not stop because of ice.  Lets face it ice is often a thin layer of “hard water” on top of your “regular” body of water.  Water rescue is a year round activity.  Don’t get caught in the trap of we don’t live on Lake _____.  Drive around your jurisdiction and take a…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on January 16, 2012 at 1:42pm — No Comments

Knot Review Company Drill

Here is a list of knots to practice during a company drill.

Read on

Pass it on!

Added by Paul Hasenmeier on January 10, 2012 at 12:07pm — No Comments

Gasoline Tanker Training

This drill idea is from Phil Burden in SC.

If your out or on your way back from a run and see a gasoline tanker making a delivery at a filling station, stop and ask the driver if he has any time to review some of the parts of the tanker.…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on January 6, 2012 at 1:47pm — 4 Comments

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