Heather Veiga
  • Female
  • United States
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Heather Veiga's Friends

  • SquadBCFD
  • Shelly
  • simon
  • Lou Angeli
  • Gabe
  • Daniel Brinkley
  • mike james seaborn
  • Randy Macey
  • Rockland USA
  • Tristen Cruz
  • Pernell Hammond
  • Amanda von Bank
  • Nick Cates
  • Brandon Watkins
  • CJ


Profile Information

Type of Organization
Private EMS
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Central EMS
My Training:
Certified EMT-I, currently enrolled in a Paramedic program.
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I love helping people!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love being able to make people feel better. There's nothing like picking up a patient and them being scared and confused, but by the time you reach the hospital that same patient is smiling and telling you stories about there life. It's a feeling of knowing you made a difference in the life of at least one person. There is really no other feeling like it!
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Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 12:20pm on September 13, 2007, mike james seaborn said…
Come Check out my page and see my presentation and Guide for fire safety for Disabled and help me pass it on Thank You
Mike James Seaborn
At 4:19pm on September 1, 2007, Randy Macey said…
Well hope your enjoying the long weekend, I'm just getting ready to head for a pool party with the wife.
A break for the both of us with some friend. As well I get to tease all the kids, last weekend before school.... Ahhh To be a kid again!
At 2:57pm on September 1, 2007, Firefighter Nation WebChief said…
Welcome to Firefighter Nation!

Be sure to check out the groups page to find some that may relate to you, easily post/upload pictures and videos, start discussing topics in the forums, write your own blog and much more.

Also, PLEASE invite all of your friends and fellow responders to Firefighter Nation. You can use the 'invite' tab at the top to send a note to you e-mail contacts, or post a bulletin on your MySpace or Facebook profile.

In just over a month, we're passing 4,000 active members -- with thousands more visiting daily -- hundreds of videos, tons of discussions and blogs, and nearly 10,000 user submitted photos.

Also be sure to customize your profile page and complete your full profile if you haven't already!

Have a great weekend and thanks again for being part of our social network!

Web Chief
At 9:31am on September 1, 2007, Randy Macey said…
Check out the some of the Groups, I have started up "Close Calls" an area to tell your story of what you did and should not of so others learn. "Roll Calls" this is another group that allows you to tell us about your station and district. "Trainers Corner" is another area that you can read about issues other trainers have or deal with. As well if your not a trainer you can ask questions or state concerns you have. If you have a hard time locating them just go to my site and look at the bottom left hand corner.

Enjoy, be safe and remember we all come home.


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