Wendy Harris
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Wendy Harris's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Safety Officer, Firefighter / EMT-Basic, Hazardous Materials Team Member, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Trinity, Alabama
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
BLS Instructor
Swift Water Awareness
Rescue Equipment
Initial Response to Haz Mat Incidents: Basic Concepts
NFA: Training Ops in Small Departments
Pump Operations
About Me:
My dreams as a child were to work for the CDC. Those dreams changed as I grew older and graduated high school. After I graduated I started working at the community hospital in the ER. I was 18 and noone thought I would last. I have been with the hospital for 19 years now and I can not imagine life anywhere else.

I married my knight in shining armor (after an awful divorce mind you) and he worked for one of the local amublance services. I had not had the chance to go to college until I met him. Once we started dating I took a part-time job dispatching with the ambulance company and hence earned the nickname "Trauma Magnet". All of the EMT's hated when I worked cause if the unimaginable could happen, it would. They loved it though cause it kept them from the granny calls.

We moved to the country but within the same area and he talked me into joining the local volunteer fire department. I have been with them now for 4 years. My "breaking in" call as a rookie was a life changing experience, both for me and the person I saved from a burning vehicle. The chief sent me to EMT school to finally get a license for what I already knew, and the rest has become history.

I can not explain what I feel when I am helping others and NOT getting paid. It is just AWESOME. I still work full time at the hospital, but I work with cardiovascular and pulmonary now and that has changed everything. I am better on a medical scene when it comes to finding the "true chest pain" or the "oh, I just wanna get out of the house" kind of call. Traumas are still my calling though. I can work better under pressure and keep my patients calm enough that their injuries seem only minor to them, even though they are life threatening.

Basically, I just LOVE helping others. That's me in a nutshell and I would not have it any other way.

Day Job:
Cardiology Tech
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
The joy of helping others.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Being there to help others~bottom line.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
We do not get the recognition we deserve. The pay is unbelievably low for that training you go through to save a life. Even though I volunteer my time, I chose not to get a job with a paying company just because of the pay. My "real" job pays the bills better.

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Wendy Harris's Blog

Brothers & Sisters

Posted on October 5, 2007 at 10:54pm 0 Comments

~May you all be safe in your journies~

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 11:53am on October 15, 2007, mike james seaborn said…
Check out my fire safety Protection for people with Disablities
At 3:17pm on October 6, 2007, FF Schoen said…
I am currently living in El Paso, Texas. Went from the humid to the completely dry heat. Been here for about 19 years now. I volly in Texas and I work career in New Mexico. I can touch 2 nations and 3 states at work.
At 1:13am on October 6, 2007, FF Schoen said…
I used to live in Montgomery, Alabama. It was nice there, except for the humidity in the summer.
At 10:08pm on October 2, 2007, tommy oliver said…
At 4:28pm on October 2, 2007, Wayne Mitchell said…
Hi Wendy, thanks for the add... How are things with you? Take care and be safe!!!
At 12:52am on October 1, 2007, cynthia ehlers said…
Like the maltese cross, where did you find it?
At 10:11am on September 28, 2007, jeff said…
Hey whats up
At 8:27am on September 28, 2007, Joe Totero said…

Orkut Comments & Glitters , Myspace Comments

Thanks for adding me. Stay safe!
At 4:05pm on September 27, 2007, cynthia ehlers said…
like the songs..have a safe day
At 12:57pm on September 27, 2007, Melanie Bragdon said…
Awesome tunes Wendy and have a safe day!!!!!!!!!

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