  • 49, Male
  • E-Town,pennsylvania(jersey born -n-bread!)
  • United States
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  • Michael L.
  • Tonia Jacob
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Driver / Engineer
Years in Fire/EMS:
14 fire dept
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Apha Voluteer Fire Company (sta-82)n.j.
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
4 -years active service Phillipsburg FD,N.J.
1- year active service Lower Mount Bethel FD,P.A.
My Training:
FAST 1,2
FF1 Instructor level one
About Me:
well, im a pretty simple guy ,i like workin,ridin my quad, spendin time with my wife,and yeah i like being a jolly vol. thats right i aint scared to admit it because im damn proud of it.Other notes ,well I take my nephew racin motocross on the weekends and in my spare time on saturdays I take my other nephew riding on my quad, he loves it. we putt around my father in laws yard and he thinks its the greatest thing in the world. I got married about 3 years ago to the most supporting women ive ever had the pleasure of knowing .shes my world we been together over seven years and helped me with alot of bagage. I also have three cats there like my children just easeir to deal
Day Job:
welder/fabricator for high performance vehicle engineering
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
4th generation
Why I Love Fire/EMS
i just do.theres nothing else i can imagine doing with my spare time.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
not enough backing from the state and govt for volunteer organizations.

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At 12:37am on September 23, 2008, Tonia Jacob said…
Doing pretty good actually for the moment. Fixen to go into the kitchen and try to find the souce of a bad smell...Have been laughing at Steve for the past day and a half as he got the brown bottle flu at the FF Memorial and is still feeling the affects of it. LOL I know he knows if he rehydrates himself he will feel a ton better, but I am starting to wonder if he has developed an allergy to it. LMBO He is happily misserable and holding onto the hang over as a reminder of the good time he had getting this misserable I think.
I am glad that you had a good vacation. Say hello to the lovly lady you are married to for me will ya?
Have a great week and be safe please.
At 8:56pm on September 21, 2008, Tonia Jacob said…
How was the vacation?
At 4:40pm on September 4, 2008, Tonia Jacob said…
Hello, How has your week been? Thank you for adding me to your friends list. Hope you have a terrific weekend and be safe.
At 8:11am on August 25, 2008, Toni said…
Hey I like that while "I'm right thing" and 110% I'm batting 1000...How are things going with you.
At 2:32am on August 25, 2008, Doug said…
Yeah, I'm a big Pittsburgh Pens fan. You a hockey fan as well?
At 9:13am on August 20, 2008, Toni said…
I also feel that if I go to a job interview for a FF position I should be viewed just as a male I would not want to be given advantage because I am a female. I know strenght wise it is more difficult for women to exceed men however the training is the same and the knowledge. I don't think anyone deserves a job based on their sex, race or anything else I think it should be based on their experience and knowledge of the job. I also feel you can hire somone with less training and make them as good but the administration you should have the ability to determine at what lengths has the applicant gone to to prove themselves as a FF, not just because they are trying to fill a quota. That's when fellow firefighters get killed. How many people to you see entering the fire service because of the schedule? Not because they really want to be a firefighter. You can tell it by the lengths a person has gone to to prepare.
At 4:55pm on August 19, 2008, Toni said…
that's the reason the women who are serious about the profession have to fight so hard because of the ones that created the repution for us all. I believe that there are women who sincerely want to do the job and I belive that you are right there are those that want to ride coat tails but that's when people start getting hurt because if the hearts not there then the training isn't there and the knowledge to perform in dangerous situations.
At 4:44pm on August 19, 2008, Toni said…
That is the exact reason i have waited so long to apply because I want to be a competitive applicant not because I'm a female. That way I'll deserve the respect that's owed to me for my hard work and not that I'm there for alternative reason but for the right reason ....
At 1:34pm on August 19, 2008, Doug said…
Yep, same station numbers
At 9:11am on August 19, 2008, Toni said…
I work for Duke University and part time with a combination department for the next couple of weeks. Then I will be a full time FF. Going to school for my fire science degree and taking the Driver pump operators series right now...Raising 2 kids, a husband and volunteer with my local department.

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