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Patti's Friends

  • Gregory James Rust
  • LT. EMS
  • T.J.
  • Amanda
  • Kelly Aldridge
  • steve
  • Brian Gilbert
  • Frankie Winslow
  • mike james seaborn
  • Jim aka Bick

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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
FF mom , wife , sister and daughter
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
all my life!!!!
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
my brothers , husband , sons , nephew , and dad (new retired)

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At 2:30pm on February 3, 2009, LT. EMS said…
i have a pic of me up i did it and there a pic of me and my parents and grand mother wend i pin for me been a lt .
At 1:40pm on February 3, 2009, LT. EMS said…
the blue color means that i'm a ems officer. i thing so were it said falet fire.yea it snowing here about 2-4 inch that all but that all we need b/c nobody know how to drive in the snow
At 11:06am on February 3, 2009, LT. EMS said…
i know a few paid guys in Camden and we were talking he said that i will take any volunteer guy and put him on my truck b/c the vol. do every thing from hose line to roof to cut with tool were my guy just do one thing and one thing only. if you go to that williamstown web page and on the first page they and there calls the first on is the call we were on this Sunday . well I'm the one in the blue helmets too bad it my butt shot lol
At 11:36pm on February 2, 2009, LT. EMS said…
we are all volunterr here fire and ems and we are in the sticks here we have a 3000 water on wheels here
At 5:28am on February 2, 2009, LT. EMS said…
wow i just got up for a ems call up and as we get there recalled damm ooo my name is kevin
At 10:11pm on February 1, 2009, LT. EMS said…
yea i was doing the same thing but then the beep beep beep went out i had to go to a call my email is
At 3:50pm on February 1, 2009, LT. EMS said…
that house we burn a good hours before we got there it was throw that roof with in mins
At 3:47pm on February 1, 2009, LT. EMS said…
well it took me over 23 years before i got into the fire and ems . i saw a posted at the maild box ask for help of ems .well i went to emt school and just couldn't get to pass. well then i went to fire school busted my ass off and pass then i went back to emt school and pass and i love it so willl come to him . the best day my dad had wend we went shoping for my first blue light. well now i frist on and first in and you cant get me out there. i just love it . i just love to help poeple. they call 911 and im out the door
At 3:33pm on February 1, 2009, LT. EMS said…
well i'm a 32 year old male single again and very happy. well just got back from a fatal dewelling in willasmtown. just became LT for our EMS .so know i'm a lt for ems and a fire figther and love it every day and i'm a paid ems too. my father was a fire figther for 20 year and my grand father was a fire figther for about 15 years. the best day of my life so far was wend my grand mother wacth me get pin as a lt for ems and wend i pass my fire test and i was the frist grand child out of 26 to be come a fire figther . the only thing is that i wish was that my grand father was here to see it
At 3:23pm on February 1, 2009, LT. EMS said…
that in cumberland couty it aboout 30 to 40 min away from me

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